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Everything posted by Duality

  1. Personal Profile . Edit Profile Information . Edit Personal Portal Information . Edit 'About Me' page . Edit Signature . Edit Avatar Settings . Change Personal Photo . Change Display Name Fine for me.
  2. Thankyou for the kind words :)
  3. You do not appear to be a member of any team account here. If there was another person on the account that you were a part of - I can only assume that you were removed for some reason.
  4. My Q6600 is refusing to OC... Trying 333MHz FSB with 9x multiplier, setting RAM multiplier to 2.4 to maintin 800MHz RAM speed. 3GHz Supposed to be achievable at stock voltage - but won't POST even at 1.35V. Motherboard is Gigabyte 965P-DS3 as stated earlier in the thread. Any ideas?
  5. Old thread. Closed.
  6. I have grown quite fond of the new one. New header is a lot cleaner. Stick a "beta" tag on it and call us "web 2.0" :lol:
  7. Speak to the administrator of the server, and get him/her to check their banlist. Also, check the other streaming sites to see if you are on their banlist.
  8. You do not appear to be banned at this site.
  9. Add the new one then delete the old one. I hope you did not change it while it was streaming and on your account...
  10. It does not look like the hacker was caught on your server - your team is still showing no bans as of yet. You most likely saw a ban announcement from another server.
  11. It currently correctly reports your number of servers as 1. The "Server: " bit will change when you get your first catch.
  12. *************************************************************** Team: THE GOOD OLE BOYZ (=GOB=.) Account ID: 5323 Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 2) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- BF2 - BF2142 - (Streaming) --------------------------------------------------------------- User List --------------------------------------------------------------- 454ss1 (127365) Helpful Links: Account Management CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use) PBBans Hub Flags Master Player Index Automated Hub Setup Not Streaming Fix All done. The only thing is "=GOB=" as a tag was taken, so I used "=GOB=." instead. It is only for our administration needs anyway :)
  13. You will need to get yourself added to the team account, by whoever set yours up for you. Tell them to go here: http://www.pbbans.com/account/user.php And follow the instructions to add you - then you will be an SGA and have access to the private forums.
  14. Virtumonde is a nasty mofo. All well and good cleaning your PC out - but it is never completely gone. Back up your stuff and reformat - unless you could find your identity in some very unsavoury places online. I would suggest using Sandboxie on all your browsers (kinda like a virtual machine, just for your web browser or any other program) - it will keep any nasties you pick up on your web travels in a neat little box you can just empty out when you are done... no harm done then :) Good luck!
  15. Nicely done :)
  16. Looks fine to me ;)
  17. No harm done ;)
  18. Wrong site :) http://www.punksbusted.com Although, if RocknRoll is about - he will be able to give you a hand :)
  19. Just been playing it :) It is a good laugh - my only gripe is they don't give you enough characters for me to fit "PBBans|" as my clan tag :lol:
  20. I suspended your account after you posted as per our policy, which thousands of clans adhere to with no problem. We at least took the time to move your thread to somewhere that you can still read and post to it. I wish you the best of luck with your future endeavours, with or without PBBans.
  21. Do you have punkbuster installed and running?
  22. This is consigned to failure imo.
  23. I wish they would finish making their old games before releasing new ones.
  24. We are not evenbalance, unfortunately - so nothing we can really do. They announced that they would not be supported Windows 7 until release. As for supporting a beta OS, very few developers will do this for a piece of software that hooks into the system at such a low level. Windows 7 may yet undergo drastic kernel revisions, or have key APIs changed - that would immediately break new releases of Punkbuster. There is no cost effective way to support a beta OS with software like Punkbuster. So, they stick to supporting released and mainstream OS's until Windows 7 is in a state in which they can support it without fear of massive changes (which often happen in win betas) breaking their software at every turn.
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