getting it right - 0
shooting self in foot - 1
not a good start imo.
"gee, will it be like that BLOPS segment where you don't have to shoot , just hide a lot?"
it sounds like you need to go to step 3
an approved Team Account is needed for streaming
i see you have a team app
just check back there periodically. after the account is approved streaming will be possible
that is not a ban
it means reliable connection was lost to the master server and a kick was issued
an update would be a likely explanation for the mass kicks
i could not view any part of the forums without registering
i did not see a members list/team roster
just what hit me right off the bat
the accounts team may have more, idk
DRM cracking is a bigger game for warez than the product it "protects"
so much prestige for the first and cleanest crack
seems like they would have realized it is like blinker fluid for their automobile
i don't give a beet red baboon butt how much games cost
the majority of the ones released these days blow
some of the best ones are indie games that were free or low cost
the big names are more worried about units sold and put more into advertising than production