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Everything posted by Pisi-Deff

  1. Ignoring MD5Tool Queries means that the PB client is not responding to the server's md5tool requests. This is usually due to lag or an old PB installation. This is not cheat-related. ~ /*Pisi*/
  2. *Topic split and moved to correct subforum* Please don't hijack another person's thread with your own questions. Instead, start a new topic. ;) The response you got: There are only 2 people on your roster on GameTracker. Also the forum only contains only 1 post... by you... We look for signs of longevity in teams we let stream. Yours does not show any at this point. Feel free to re-apply when you get more members and a more active forum as stated per the Streaming Applicant Requirements and have played on a streaming server for at least 10 minutes. :) ~ /*Pisi*/
  3. Pisi-Deff


    No seriously... Do NOT give your key to anybody... ever... It's the easiest way to get it into the hands of some hacker and get it banned. ~ /*Pisi*/
  4. Account re-activated and you re-added as the Master User. :) ~ /*Pisi*/
  5. Seems to work :/ ~ /*Pisi*/
  6. *post split* Please do not post your own problems into other peoples' topics. Especially ones that are completely unrelated to those topics ;) To get your guid, go in-game, open the console and use the command pb_myguid . You will get your 32-character hexadecimal GUID. :) ~ /*Pisi*/
  7. They probably mean this: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-6a6d3d03-vb45938.html Same country but... In a completely different region and on a completely different ISP. I believe this fellow here namehacked you and then got himself banned due to hacking. :) From my point of view, this ban has nothing whatsoever to do with you. Your GUID is completely clean. Feel free to link the guys, who are banning you, to this post. ;) ~ /*Pisi*/
  8. Welcome to PBBans :) Hope you enjoy your stay. Feel free to ask for help in our forums ;) ~ /*Pisi*/
  9. He is banned only from servers that stream to PBBans. He can still play on non-streaming servers. :) He has already appealed his ban so he'll need to wait for the outcome of that. Nothing will happen until EvenBalance responds to the ticket. If EvenBalance says that the violation was triggered in error, then he will be unbanned. Otherwise, the ban will stay permanently. EvenBalance usually takes 24-48 hours to reply but can take up to 2 weeks. ~ /*Pisi*/
  10. Nein zu beides: keine dedis und kein PB. :/ Stattdessen wird es eine matchmaking-applikation von Infinity Ward geben mit dem namen IWNet. Private server k
  11. Jede ucon verbindung braucht nicht mehr bandbreite als ein inaktiver spieler, der im spec sitzt. Zu mehreren seiten streamen sollte also kein problem sein :) mfg, /*Pisi*/
  12. You can now re-apply. :) http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php (kudos to surfy ~ /*Pisi*/
  13. Remember these?: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...amp;hl=robert24 http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...amp;hl=robert24 http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...amp;hl=robert24 http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...amp;hl=robert24 I do see a roster now... but the forum is locked for guests: Dział Nie istnieją żadne działy lub nie masz uprawnień do ich zobaczenia. Re-read our streaming requirements please. :) ~ /*Pisi*/
  14. Was 6600 40-50 mins ago :D Average rate of 1/sec
  15. There is nothing to fix. It's up to the server admins to interpret MPi data correctly. We will not alter the data for any reason, since that would compromise it's integrity. My opinion as a staff member is that you are completely clean and are being banned from those servers without proper research by the server admins. Banning you due to seeing your "alias" on some ban that didn't even happen in the same country as you is just wrong... Especially considering that namehacking was an everyday thing on BF2 before the 1.5 patch. Feel free to link this post to admins, that are trying to ban you for this. :) ~ /*Pisi*/
  16. No problem. :) Personally, I'd dual boot Ubuntu for good ol' ET... but that's just me :P ~ /*Pisi*/
  17. Ah, Intel integrated graphics... the enemy of gaming... :/ Sadly, Intel hasn't released Win7 drivers for this card. Installing drivers in xp/vista compability mode might help (I'm guessing you already did and it hasn't...) but it's definitely not guaranteed. Sorry but I can only suggest either switching back to XP/Vista or getting a better pc (one without integrated graphics). :/ ~ /*Pisi*/
  18. This means that ET's engine is unable to start OpenGL. Either his/her graphic drivers are corrupt or not installed. Get him/her to reinstall them. ;) If that doesn't help, try googling. Fairly common problem :) ~ /*Pisi*/
  19. Error Sorry! An error was encountered while processing your request: No group could be retrieved for the given URL. Guess somebody didn't like the idea :P
  20. The avatar doubles your amount of win.
  21. Since you already added it to your team account, the only thing you can do is wait. :) As soon as an admin has the time, he or she will check out the server and accept it if it fulfills the requirements. You don't have to ask for it on the forums :) ~ /*Pisi*/
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