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Everything posted by Everson

  1. As you don't have access to the SGA thread would you like to PM me your thoughts on how you think this would affect non-SGAs? And why those affected are unable to stream to PBBans and use the Enforce Bans featured integrated within our PBUCON Hub?
  2. This announcement has come about after several requests to GGC; we attempted to resolve issues behind closed doors however those attempts failed. As we are currently discussing the removal of our public banlists, amongst other possible ideas, it would be hard for us to do any of that without getting asked the same question of 'why?' over and over again. We've always attempted to be transparent with the community that we support and this is us being transparent with you. This topic will remain in place for people within the community to share their views on the subject: we're reading, we're listening, we're discussing. Our goal remains keeping the community cheat-free and with that announcements like this sometimes need to be made.
  3. No doubt there will likely be differing opinions on the other side of the coin, however, the staff here will always work to protect the interests of PBBans and it's operations throughout the gaming community. This is not an open invitation to start an AC war or a surgical first strike against GGC - it is a factual announcement in response to recent incidents which we feel have attempted to undermine PBBans and devalue our position within the community. Sooner or later with an ongoing saga you reach the phrase 'enough is enough' and that's where our staff are universally opinionated. We don't wish to start an AC war and neither do we have any intention to air any further incidents from the past into the public arena.
  4. The loss of Steve Jobs is shocking and my thoughts go out to any family, friends and colleagues of his. Steve has left a great legacy behind him, Apple; he inspired creativity, innovation and change - for years to come he will continue to be an inspiration.
  5. Moved to General Discussions, from Community News
  6. Change any instance of pb_sv_cvar r_drawDecals IN 1 in your MCi config files (usually pbsv.cfg) to pb_sv_cvar r_drawDecals IN 0 1 and then restart PunkBuster: pb_sv_restart MCi: http://www.pbbans.com/master-config-index.html CVAR/MD5 Info: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-cvarmd5guide.html You can test whether it kicks you by entering *r_drawdecals 0 into the console line (activated by ~ usually) * is either a / slash or \ slash - can't remember which, should be obvious when you try it.
  7. Toolbar has now been released to support up to FF 8.0 - with BFP4F and RO2 on the games list. It was meant to come out about 2 weeks ago but there were some issues with the update keys that I've only just had a chance to fix.
  8. The only thing to note with running promod is that some competitive individuals like to tweak r_drawdecals. I believe our configs by default require r_drawdecals 1 and kicks for r_drawdecals 0 - which can usually result in the other team getting pissed off when they're team members start getting kicked; either decide on informing people in advance that decals must be enabled or tweak the configs to allow 0.
  9. PBGUID doesn't appear on our MBi. Therefore it's a local server ban which we have no control over.
  10. Your server must be legitimate before you attempt to stream it again otherwise it'll be automatically blacklisted. PBBans implements validity checks on servers to help ensure a good quality gaming experience, GGC does not utilize these checks.
  11. http://www.callofduty.com/xp Hopefully information shall prevail tomorrow on PB/VAC.
  12. When we're unable to collect banlist data from a third party our site automatically removes them from the page.
  13. Give this a shot: http://account.pbbans.com/webtool.php
  14. What features would you like to see in the application?
  15. Was this information helpful? Err, no. Why can't I?
  16. Everson


    We don't remove accounts, at most we'll deactivate it. Any particular reason you're asking?
  17. So a year later... we cut the cables instead of buying them and spent a lot of money! Main Comms Area From: Main Comms Area To: Main Comms Area (needs a paint :P, huge! and sorry for the blur): Sub Comms Area From: Sub Comms Area To: New Equipment: 4 x Cisco SGE2000 Switches 7 x APC Netshelter Cable Managers 1 x Dell Poweredge 510 Server with 24GB RAM/RAID 5/8TB Storage 1 x Origin NAS 8TB 1 x APC SmartUPS Lots of Velcro and a few Cable Ties! Only taken a year but thank f*ck it's done.
  18. Between August 04, 2011 and January 27, 2011 the IP appears on the MPi in excess of ~25,600 times. Personally it seems like a bug to me... but still the IP is on the MPi.
  19. We won't/can't edit the MPi, I believe there is a kill off period for streaming servers which appear on the MPi but I believe it's 2 years after the last violation.
  20. IP appears on MPi and therefore can not stream. Typo above, should be .196
  21. ... fail.
  22. Would love to see a ban link for your ban? Either way 2 years or 6 years - our bans are permanent unless their determined to be a false positive.
  23. http://www.pbbans.com/cheat-file-submission.html
  24. I've changed your login name and display name to R1mini as a hyphen isn't in the allowed characters list.
  25. Everson


    The closure brought from this is definitely good, however, I have mixed feelings as to whether a can of worms has just been opened... Only time will tell if we're a step closer to a more peaceful world or in actual fact a more dangerous and unpredictable one because of this.
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