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Everything posted by Everson

  1. ... if you don't hear from me for a while you'll know. Rebooting in about 10 minutes.
  2. or via Windows Update ;)
  3. If IP is on the MPi then the server will remain blacklisted. You'll need to get a new IP address for the server.
  4. Run the Automated Hub Setup against the server: http://www.pbbans.com/automated-streaming-setup.html PBBans uses the newer UCON streaming method whereas PsB uses the outdated repository streaming method.
  5. Re-read it:
  6. The work desktop - being as I'm at work :)
  7. d17848ca (COD4) is not banned by PBBans, nor by EvenBalance. Any ban at this point applied to the GUID is local - by a server admin.
  8. Alright for some, mine was last Monday and I worked :( Got Wednesday off on holiday though :) Here...
  9. Different names across different countries, etc etc key has been leaked. As HSMagnet put it they're not worth it, play elsewhere.
  10. We don't comment on edited PBSS's.
  11. Fact remains this person cheated and can not be trusted, if other anti-cheat sites allow streaming for your team knowing you have a cheater within your ranks that's their business. However, to keep an individual who has cheated within a team, friend or not, only undermines any anti-cheat stance you attempt to take.
  12. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/losing-key-packets-9014-violation-ignoring-queries-9006-t128720.html/page__view__findpost__p__334446
  13. The only benefit closing the files off gives is the ability to push out patches easier through internal procedures/QA There is no wider benefit than that: server files = leaked, piracy = still happens and these are the two things that are supposed to not happen at all costs.
  14. Completely liking the fact that it's undermined by the post under it.
  15. Blacklist restriction removed. Contact MadMaxGer (132346) to be added to the existing team account.
  16. Could you let me know the team name and the website you're applying for?
  17. You need to contact the server admin, we're not enforcing the ban and have no say in which bans are enforced at a local server level. No, it's not right to ban someone because they have a linked ban which they're not responsible for but unfortunately it happens a lot.
  18. you mean a prince in armour.... ;)
  19. We only accept demo's from streaming servers. We also don't ban without valid verifiable demos, pbss, steaming md5/cvar/pb violations from streaming servers - never based on statistics or theory. http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-beginnersguide.html
  20. We have strict requirements on what types of evidence we accept in order to add someone to our MBi. These types are: - MD5 Violation(s); - CVAR Violation(s); - Generic Bind Scan Violation(s); - EvenBalance/PunkBuster Violation(s); - Demo Evidence; and - PunkBuster Screenshot Evidence. Xfire/FRAPS videos or statistics profiles are not verifiable and can be manipulated - we simply can not verify their integrity, therefore we just don't consider it evidence worth the time of administering. Also we only accept evidence from servers which stream to us. -- I'm going to let SuperTaz have that because I'm usually the fast one :P... and he so just edited it to add more :o
  21. To be honest I hope OFT pulls them up on it and starts to force them to finish games off to an acceptable level, i.e. COD4. The UK government at-least is starting to recognise the value of the gaming industry and wants to get behind it but they're not going to be able to do that effectively while developers and distributors keep trying to pass rubbish off as top quality games. Any country refusing to allow the game to be sold is a big thing and that's a proven PR disaster.
  22. Have you checked out our Information Center? http://www.pbbans.com/information-center.html
  23. We will not manipulate MPi data in any way shape or form, for any reason. No exceptions.
  24. Happy Birthday you! Uhm, account validations? :P
  25. ... hmm, More likely a server hasn't successfully executed an unban command. Which is unfortunately normally a case after these mass bans as a few people roll in saying they're still banned on x,y,z. Not a lot we can do about it after we've removed the ban and issued the commands.
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