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Everything posted by Everson

  1. You can personally contact EvenBalance, click http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-d3bd5595-vb216713.html and follow the appeal this ban button instructions. However, I don't think you quite comprehend how this process works... the only instance in which we'd lift the ban is if EvenBalance tells us AIMBOT #50120 is an invalid violation (false positive). This would mean us lifting bans for 2,171 players, who play BFBC2, for a violation which they've stuck by and said is positive -- just can't see it happening.
  2. No, EA have no control over bans on our MBi. If a bannable violation is issued by PBBans then it's at our discretion to enforce or lift. If a bannable violation is issued by EvenBalance then it's up to EvenBalance to tell us it is a false violation, at which point we will remove all bans enforced by PBBans for that violation code.
  3. I appreciate what you're saying but the violation is valid; this is a public thread so I'd suggest you link to it if you're questioned over the ban. Besides all bans are likely indexed throughout Google so there's no way to escape a record of it.
  4. If you're asking for us to lift your ban then we won't period, it's a valid violation unless we hear otherwise. The bigger picture in reality is that you are no longer a unique player for that key, someone else can get it banned and you'll end up back in a circle (if we even did consider lifting it, we won't). You may even need to link the new key to a new EA account to prevent receiving the same PB GUID in game (once it's linked that's it... ask EA for advice).
  5. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/sony/8476152/Sony-PlayStation-Hack-statement-in-full.html Well that's a hell of a PR disaster.
  6. If the ban is valid it won't be removed. As long as you didn't generate the ban then you won't be sanctioned against here. EA/DICE should really compensate you with a new CDKey if they messed up.
  7. Kalms, from DICE, has been made aware of the two topics; he's travelling at the moment but is going to get someone to look into the issue. Maybe you should send him a PM? click here. Hopefully he'll be able to help rectify any suspicious account activity with the involvement of EA Support.
  8. Recent PB Update == CPU Resource Spiking and Fixation of 30-40% CPU. From what I skimmed.
  9. If you'd like to use PBBans as your anti-cheat solution please see http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-beginnersguide.html
  10. See your duplicate post in Account Questions and Troubleshooting (Private).
  11. Well EA doesn't sell cheats, cheat coders create cheats to be exploited when hooked into the games. If you obtain any cheats please submit them to http://www.pbbans.com/cheat-file-submission.html As for PunkBuster Screenshots details on that method is here http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-pbssguide.html
  12. Duplicate http://www.pbbans.com/forums/your-server-ip-is-on-our-mpi-it-will-not-be-accepted-for-streaming-t140604.html
  13. Everson, the fun spoiler - didn't you know :P ... who knows, only time will tell!
  14. GSPs are subject to different rules, and I haven't heard of any public BETA servers.
  15. Correct, in theory.
  16. It won't be removed as the IP Address appears on the MPi. The solution is to obtain a new IP for the server. Even if it wasn't blacklisted our streaming setup would reject the stream as the IP appears on the MPi, suggesting it's not located within a data center or someone has had local access to play games on a server. Edit: The MPi data is from 2006 so it's possible that the IP block has been reallocated to a DC, however the streaming setup rejection still applies and we don't manipulate MPi data.
  17. Kolor ;)
  18. No need for duplicate topics http://www.pbbans.com/forums/pb-ban-ip-address-or-just-cd-key-t139741.html
  19. Only EvenBalance issue global bans. IP Banning = Useless when they have a dynamic IP.
  20. Words can not describe how invaded I feel right now...
  21. Only EvenBalance holds details on the cause of this violation. Best thing that can be done is provide a list of running processes at the time.
  22. You can use any non-leaked GUID that you own for the application.
  23. Put the task into your pbsv.cfg file then do a pb_sv_restart
  24. Would have been nice B)
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