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Everything posted by Everson

  1. Sorry I didn't respond to your PM earlier as I've not been at home, or anywhere near a PC, to look into it for you. However for stuff like this the forums are always best as you'll get responses quicker. - from my iPhone ;)
  2. Unban commands are being sent out but it could take the rest of the night for all bans to be removed.
  3. EvenBalance have confirmed to us that this is a false violation.
  4. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/viol-79542-bans-removed-bc2-t136903.html
  5. Please follow the appeal process as indicated above. We're still waiting for confirmation on the validity of this violation, until we hear otherwise we consider it to be valid.
  6. At this time we are seeing a lot of Multihack #79542 violations being raised, until we hear otherwise we consider these violations to be valid. If you have been banned please open an appeal with us http://www.pbbans.com/appeal-ban.html SGAs see http://www.pbbans.com/forums/multihack-79542-violations-t136889.html 28/01/2011 21:31 GMT Update: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/viol-79542-bans-removed-bc2-t136903.html
  7. PunkBuster server is disabled, if it claims to be installed then it's not functioning correctly in which case have your GSP uninstall PB and reinstall it.
  8. http://evenbalance.com/troubleticket/ You are globally banned by EvenBalance and will need to open a ticket with them, you must also do so in English.
  9. You need to delete the old server and add the new one to your Team Account.
  10. p1nks. is the soldier name not p1nks Dot vs No Dot.
  11. Actually I'm quite geeky, noob.
  12. Last Aimbot 50120 ban was Dec 17, 2010 on our MBi (excl. lifted false positive violations).
  13. http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/
  14. Can you post a reactivation request at http://www.pbbans.com/forums/account-questions-and-troubleshooting-private-f553.html Including details displayed at http://account.pbbans.com/index.php Your account has gone inactive due to lack of streaming, you also need to ensure you meet our streaming requirements (http://www.pbbans.com/forums/streaming-application-requirements-t82423.html), which you currently don't, i.e. your website.
  15. Ahh that's one for EvenBalance... please do share the answer! http://evenbalance.com/troubleticket/
  16. If you want to be especially funny :P http://lmgtfy.com/?q=animated+google+search 1) FILEnetworks Blog: 'Let Me Google That For You'
  17. You need to get a new IP for the server in order for us to be able to stream it.
  18. The port? and game?
  19. Our site automatically denies streaming to IP addresses on the MPi. In "testing" aka playing the game from that IP you have ended up blacklisting the IP from streaming.
  20. aka time to go and nag Game Developers to start showing better support for Anti-Cheat in their games.
  21. We won't accept any demo's which are not taken using in-game demo tools due to the percentage of risk they present in being edited.
  22. Easiest solution is to apply the ban to the GUID, don't need to mess around with names then. People have been using the iIl1 0oO trick for 10+ years, used to be a big issue with WAP sites.
  23. *cough* Non-Disclosure Agreement: http://battlefield.play4free.com/en/user/agreement EA/DICE/Easy staff have accounts here so I wouldn't say anything about game play, or anything which isn't public domain.
  24. Ever been a bit strapped for cash? Maybe you should try this approach to payments. http://keboch.wordpress.com/2008/11/09/please-accept-this-spider-as-payment/
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