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Everything posted by GOS_LEgiONary

  1. Well the the prison isn't the worst part for him compared to a couple of millions or soo in damages... I remember in 2006 when the Swedish police sacked the ISP datacenter where their servers was, shuting down the ISP's operation for a couple of days.
  2. "..its a government thing" :)
  3. This might be a bit blown out of proportion but I still feel we should strive to show respect to our female PBBans members - it is not for the girls to claim it. It is for us the guys to show it. I'm not trying to be a smart ass here nor am I trying to pick a fight, I haven't yet seen any staff reactions or references to forum rules if there are any applicable. Futher I don't know how sensitive our female members are when it comes to sexistic material. I'm pretty sure most guys appreciate pictures of cute girls, myself included, but I think we should keep a low profile on certain input. I'm sorry if I have offended any one addressing this, that was on the contrary to my intention. Regards!
  4. Darn I saw this just now (31th aug 16:03 CET), I'm not much of an artist myself but I have some talented friends on my squad that could have been up for the challange and interested to support the donation. I'll copy the info to our forum and maybe there could be some quick and dirty drawings added late to this contest. Nice initiative to promote donation, maybe I should start to pay 1$ each time I have been driving my car and speeding (that would generate alot of money to the cause :) )
  5. I can only say that I stay the hell away from Apple products, as far away as possible - I cant afford loosing my house or my car... :BigB:
  6. Seriously Blue eyes, where have you been all these years since the wheel was invented,,, :D
  7. I checked his profile and he is Premium already so he need to press the reset button on his soldiers profile. What I dont understand is why EA directs him to PBBans in the first place.
  8. It is hard to understand you. I cant find any problems for your account with the tools available to me here. I think that you have been directed here by misstake, your account have never been used from a PC. On the link to Battlelog you provided I can see you play on Xbox. I understand it you actually ask for how you can reset statistics for your soldier. You can reset statistic for your account from Battlelog, soldier statistics page - just press the button.
  9. +1 Jlum0n are you saying you have a ban that you would like to appeal? If so I suggest that you post your BF3 alias or GUID so it is possible to check and give you a proper answer.. Regards!
  10. I have a very strong feeling that Staff have been to busy else where under these summer months. About Knives filter options, I have been missing such an options myself. Maybe not so easy to make a money twist out of. It would rather be a cost of both money and work to have it up and running, but at least if a filter option for PBBans was present in the server browser and an increasingly number of players would select PBBans (extra protected) server to play on - that would be a good thing. Nothing is really stopping us to suggest the filter option to EA and EB (since they would have to cover for the costs and major work to be done), but there could be some technical and administrative problems to be solved by 3rd party AC's (3PAC) -How can DICE/EA read out if a server is a valid streaming one? How should filters deal with a server that stop streaming (temp) or is declined to continue streaming (banned) and of course when a new server come up streaming? Is staff willing to communicate the suggestion to the oher 3PAC's? Can DICE/EA/Industry and a forum of all 3PAC's staffs get along on a common set of ban criterias (ban integrity and their strictness)? Another possible approach to get the filer option 3PAC in place would require Evenbalance to collect and report a servers PB 3PAC level - PB enabled GGC, PB enabled PBBans, and so on... I don't know how similar all 3PAC's methods are if that could be possible to achive. I believe the Staff will take this under consideration and discuss it internally and with other 3PAC's and later on if approved with other major entities (Evenbalance, EA, Activision etc.). I'm not expecting any detailed answers dealing with this topic since it seems to have become an matter for internal Staff discussion and development. Thank you Knives for a good suggestion!
  11. I here you man, I have been occupied with alot of work the last days but mannaged to steal 2 hours gaming last night. Remarkable is that all freshly banned players is back on new accounts with the same old habbit of dirty play. It would be such a relief if the mighty Hardware ban could be put into action...or a chip burning algorithm... or leaking of cheaters home adresses - I'm pretty handy with cutting tools and Black and Decker in general, not to mention explosives...
  12. Hey, I'm just a paying customer, adding to the value of the EA shares... :doomed:
  13. I refuse to comment that one buttscratcher since I am from Sweden... :smooth:
  14. Good One! :D
  15. I've recall that post, someone from Holland I've belive... HaruhiAA... seems we lost that one... http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/#!/bf3/forum/threadview/2832654489894783444/8/
  16. What shows on video or screenshot can be indicating use of some cheat, but it is truly void as evidence against a specific account since every ban need to be based on the most certain and verified data possible (streaming with multiple data sources). Videos and screenshots likes this can be manipulated to present falsified evidence to frame a innocent player or to harm the trust in anti cheat operations and tools.
  17. I guess he will get banned with his new account in a not far away future. Same IP and a major fetish for name changes, seriuosly that dude seems to have multiple personalities . :sign0109: :sign0109: :sign0109:
  18. ...is it me or is this not a very beautiful day... ahhhh, the air is filled with remorse all over the world.... this would have been a nice moment to sit back and enjoy a glass of Port Charlotte 8. Cheers anyway! :)
  19. It seems "the other side" is very active at the moment. Maybe its time for an old fashion man hunt?
  20. Good job MaydaX - and I have to say it again - a very big thank you to all in the Staff for your efforts and engagement on this matter. Also its very nice to see that so many on here is helping out with both funding and cheering.
  21. Great, I'm happy as long as the donation reach you and is of use in the ongoing battle!
  22. This is very sad, one thing is for sure - this has to be the local adaption of customer service conducted by EA customer service in India - "make customer happy". All the millions gamers that is not cheating might have another opinion with that policy.
  23. RAAAAAAHHHHHHHH - I have so missed these threads and comments during "the black out period" - you guys all contributed to make my day and Magnet topped it off.... I'm still laughing over here. _Love you all_ :bump:
  24. +56 (but the money seem to be stuck somewhere, can someone confirm the money I have sent ended up where they should?)
  25. What a pleasant relief to finally have you back online streaming, and not the least the so beloved forums! Thank you all involved so much for your efforts and a good job move and setting up servers on the new facility. Best wishes to from the GameOver Squad! God Speed! and Yes, the streaming is up and running on server with no effort at all from my side :hailtotheking:
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