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Everything posted by fozzer

  1. :D nice anology, and to continue the theme; If you bought a car and just 6 months later a major problem occurred, you contact the manufacturer and they say "sorry the warranty is only valid for 6 months" Would you buy another car from that manufacturer ever again ?
  2. 6 months after the crysis release date crytek were promising a patch one day and then dropped all support the next with no word of explanation, they later said they were concentrating their efforts on a partnership with EA. To me, that is crytek giving the middle finger to the customers that bought their pc game.(over a million sales afaik) Here is their statement after they dropped support; For me, that reads, crysis did not sell as well as we were hoping so we are going to concentrate on console games. This is also the same company that have not fully intergrated PB into any of their products. Despite repeated assurances that they will apply a fix, thus far they have not. As a consequence PBUCON does not work properly and crysis/crysis wars servers will only stream when players are active on the server. This means that the largest streaming server anti cheat site in the world can not maintain streaming. (and they wonder why their games are bombing) :) After the crysis fiasco, I made myself a promise not to buy a crytek product again (I deem them to be an untrustworthy company) Thus far I have had no problem what so ever in maintaining that resolve. :) so they can stick their views on free demo's were the sun dont shine, and just to paraphrase the crytek co-founder; A "luxury" that the video game industry can do without is disreputable companies that sell a product complete with a multiplayer option who then drop all support after 6 months. :angry:
  3. Maybe this will be easier for you to follow Bro; http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html#bf2cc
  4. *************************************************************** Team: CLAN CFC (CFC) Account ID: 4190 Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 1) *************************************************************** The reason you have had to wait so long is twofold; 1. You tagged an account change request onto an ancient topic (original post date 14 March 2009) 2. You posted in the wrong forum section, the correct forum for team account change requests of any kind is; http://www.pbbans.com/forums/account-change-requests-sga-f349.html For a prompt response you need to post in the correct forum section or at least make a new topic when making requests.
  5. This is what your allowed access to re BFBC2 PB files; Read+write+create+delete: pb/svlogs/* pb/svss/* pb/*.cfg pb/pbbans.dat pb/pbucon.use Read+delete: pb/sv_viol.log pb/sv_cheats.log If your game server provider is not supplying that access then I would ask why they are not.
  6. First of all let me clarify that the correct command for checking the version of PB that is installed on a server is pb_sv_ver :) If you are not getting a response from your server to the above command (using guardian) Ask your GSP (Game Server Provider) to reinstall a fully updated version of PB on your server. Then try http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html#bc2g or http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php to initiate streaming. Once the commands have been sent use the server checker on our main website to check the streaming status of the server; * It should be noted that because the server is already added to your team account, if the streaming is initiated correctly, it will kick in immediately. * It should also be noted that signatures update every 2 hours to reflect a servers streaming status. Last but not least, there is this to bear in mind as well; http://www.pbbans.com/forums/pb-ucon-session-x-timed-out-t117514.html
  7. According to game monitor, there is only 1 server running 2142 with that IP; click me
  8. I dont see a problem; *************************************************************** Team: Team Effort Clan ([tEc]*) Account ID: 9272 Streaming Status: Streaming (2 / 2) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- BFBC2 - (Streaming) BFBC2 - (Streaming) --------------------------------------------------------------- User List --------------------------------------------------------------- Lebungz (152632) thetoast (152370)
  9. No problem :) *************************************************************** Team: Raseur Soldier Atomique (~R.S.A~) Account ID: 9679 Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 1) ***************************************************************
  10. I removed the server with the query port. I added the correct server address. Server is streaming nicely. All related upgrades applied. As long as the supplied pbguid is unique to the applicant and is valid, there is no problem with game type.
  11. is the server that is added to your team account. If thats the wrong server address, completely delete it from your team account and add the correct server ip:port.
  12. Also this to consider; http://www.pbbans.com/forums/bad-company-2-backend-issues-t116821.html
  13. All none streaming issues are client side with the system we have in place Bro :) Looks to me like it has just quit, full stop. Get your gsp to check on it for you or reboot it yourself if you can. The gametracker links on your website show it as offline, albeit with a different port.
  14. Just so everyone can see exactly why you got denied a team account; I would hate anyone to think it was for something more serious than failing to get a website to load and entering the wrong server address. Judging by the attitude, I would say we are not missing out on much. Have a nice day :)
  15. Personally, I find the excuse of "I only hack in servers with no PB" the lamest excuse ever. It even eclipses the usual "family member" excuses, and the player, in my opinion, got all he deserved. There is a benefit to the posted whine ............... it confirms that the aimbot violations that are globally guid banned by EB are indeed catching the players that EB targeted. The player concerned can now buy a new game cd and play perfectly legit with it, and he can use his busted cd key to play on those servers not running PB. The connundrum for this player is wether he knows for sure if PB is actually disabled. So the first option would be the way to go and not cheat at all. Old saying; If you play with fire your sure to get burned. I would add to that by saying; Buying a cheat does not make you fireproof.
  16. Be careful guys, you are being very mean, tricking people Here is a peek at a post in the restricted forum section; :biggrin8:
  17. Odd, you should have been able to read it. Here it is in full;
  18. This would be relevant to you too Bro; http://www.pbbans.com/forums/streaming-t116450.html Team account applications are taking a bit longer than normal to process, mainly due to a combination of the enormous interest in BFBC2 and the fact that all of our accounts staff have full time jobs throughout the week. What we do see on a fairly regular basis, is admins applying for streaming and not reading whats required for a one time successful application, this also contributes to the backlog. This weekend (or sooner) should see off the current backlog.
  19. We have mandatory requirements in place that have to be met by all streaming applicants. A look here will show exactly what we look for; http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=82423 These requirements are not just in place for fun. They were put in place to address issues we have come across in the past, mainly security issues, and to maintain the integrity of our banlist. As well as providing a top class streaming service, we have a duty to protect the users of our services as much as we possibly can, and the streaming requirements go a long way to affording that protection. I can say without fear of contradiction, that any anti cheat site that does not employ stringent checks on the users of their services has, at the very least, a corrupt banlist. I'm sorry if this seems like a major inconvenience, but there will be no relaxing of the vetting protocols we have in place at the moment. If anything, they will get even more stringent in the future.
  20. The only server you have added to your team account is listed as a bfbc2 server with the address of This is obviously wrong, and the Hub will auto deactivate servers that are listed with the wrong gametype. Best practise is to completely delete the server from your team account (even if it is only a port change) and readd the server (making sure that you select the right gametype from the drop down menu) So the 2 selections open to you are; = BF2142 and = BFBC2 Both would need to be configured correctly to stream, so you may have to run this after each change; http://www.pbbans.com/automated-streaming-setup.html
  21. errrrr the PBBans profile is; pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbhub1 pbbanshub and has been for some time. http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html or http://www.pbbans.com/automated-streaming-setup.html The default query port for bfbc2 is 48888. Topic moved to the correct forum section .. that will probably be why this topic got overlooked.
  22. Nothing xfire related is acceptable as a replacement for a website.
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