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Everything posted by fozzer

  1. *************************************************************** Team: Battlefield Informer (BFI) Account ID: 9228 Streaming Status: Streaming (2 / 2) ***************************************************************
  2. A bit difficult if we don't know what to change it to :P
  3. MaydaX rented an NFO server out of his own pocket so he could troubleshoot PB issues on our behalf. Requested that PB be updated. Got a link to one of his own posts as an explanation as to why they can not update PB; http://www.nfoservers.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=49680#p49680 MaydaX has the updated PB files but has no way to upload them. We have no server files so no way to effectively debug anything. We are totally reliant on RSPs to update anything and they have a basic grasp of PB at best, and not a lot of knowledge re streaming. Meanwhile, cheat sites have had the server files for quite some time and are promising that cheats will be available on day1 of retail release. Sound familiar anyone.
  4. This type of issue has become "old news" over the last few Battlefield releases ... it's what happens when cheat sites have access to the server files and anti cheat sites have access to nothing, so nothing can be debugged prior to retail release.
  5. Doesn't the old school method of working out the rcon port work ? gaming port + 22000 = rcon port
  6. Strange :scratchchin: I only see one BF3 pbguid associated with you and that is the one that is globally banned. The globally banned pbguid (35f97f15a2db61a97460937bece1f48a) was last used today, by you. Were did you buy the new game key from from, and how long have you owned it ?
  7. Firstly, your pbguid has been globally banned by Even Balance themselves; Secondly, all we can do is offer advice to players that find themselves in your situation;
  8. *************************************************************** Team: BuG-Community (BuG) Account ID: 11784 Streaming Status: Streaming (2 / 2) ***************************************************************
  9. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/how-to-intepret-the-mpi-t161996.html
  10. You added the wrong server port. You added The correct server address for adding to a team account is; I have added the correct server address and its streaming nicely. All relevant forum upgrades have been applied. When you have taken a peek to see were you went wrong, just delete the wrong server address via account manager.
  11. How do you figure it's your cd key ? PBGUID 44c997835e77cffb26817b252aba8110 was first seen July 19, 2009 by a player based in Canada ..... it was last seen July 18, 2013 by a player based in Israel. The player from Israel used pbguid 44c997835e77cffb26817b252aba8110 to cheat with and was subsequently banned. In between those 2 dates, pbguid 44c997835e77cffb26817b252aba8110 has been used by players from 2 other countries (Poland and Spain) PBBans are under no obligation what so ever to inform ESL of anything. As far as I am aware ESL are not part of our supported leagues group
  12. After 9 months of having fairfight as the sole anti cheat deterrent and the game still being overrun with cheaters a more effective, all round anti cheat deterrent was called upon by the war z devs ........... PB. As Surfy has already stated, anyone can apply a kick / ban to those players that join a server and 5 mins later are 35 - 0 Whats needed is the ability to detect the not so obvious cheaters who are using gamehacks / simple wallhacks / and the not so obvious aimbotters. This is achieved by running PunkBuster™ software and enhancing that software by running the recommended MD5 tool scans provided by the third party anti cheat site of choice. As for using cheat coders/staff members to help deter cheating, only a fool would believe that they are willing to sacrifice the monetary gains that selling cheats gives them for something that will severely dent those profits. The golden rule for any farmer is to never ask a fox to guard the hen-house The one thing I would like to see is EA/DICE being more proactive, and in our case more cooperative (server files), with the tried and trusted anti cheat deterrent of PunkBuster™ software enhanced by third party streaming and MD5 tool scans.
  13. How so ? You do not even have a team account at PBBans so streaming a server is impossible.
  14. Your issue is twofold. 1. You have been using a leaked key/pbguid to play with that subsequently triggered a cheat related cvar violation by a player from Israel. 2. ESL have banned that particular leaked key/pbguid from playing in their league/ladders. Both issues are nothing at all to do with PBBans. Contact someone from ESL and copy/paste both of my responses to you, ask for an explanation of why you are banned by ESL. From what I can gather, ESL have banned a pbguid that was used to cheat with and not you specifically.
  15. COD4 leaked key that has been used in Spain / Israel / Poland / and Canada. A player from Israel used the pbguid to cheat with; http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-2aba8110-vb309540.html The ban has never been appealed via the PBBans appeal system, and even if it was the appeal would be denied. Solution: Buy a genuine retail copy of COD4 of your very own and share the game cd key with no one.
  16. and like I already posted; Besides, if I posted exact details, my cover would be blown, and we can't have that now, can we :P PB did do its job, Even Balance globally banned your pbguid. I am sure your absence from the bf3 community and PB protected games in general will be mourned greatly by the vast majority that game fair and square (insert sarcasm here) So, best of luck appealing your global ban via an EB troubleticket, there is always a first time for everything and you never know, yours may be the first successful appeal of a global ban, and here endeth any assistance/support from us. Topic locked.
  17. Read the reply I gave earlier a bit more carefully. Highlights are; PBBans is not Even Balance (the creators and maintainers of PunkBuster™ software) PBBans is not affiliated in any shape or form with Even Balance. Even Balance have issued a global ban on your pbguid. PBBans has no input what so ever re global bans, they are issued and maintained exclusively by Even Balance. The one thing I can tell you from what I know for sure is that the cheat site profiles I found are not just someone with a similar name, they belong to you. So please, take your issue directly to Even Balance via a troubleticket, or contact your cheat supplier and ask them for advice. No one here is the least bit interested in what you have to say and judging by the evidence I found myself, Even Balance made a first class decision in electing to globally ban your pbguid.
  18. PBBans has no iinput/control what so ever re global bans. Here is all the assistance we can provide to any recipient of a global ban; Just as a footnote, it was not hard for me to find profiles belonging to you on a couple of well known cheat sites (I stopped searching then) one of which you were active on a mere 10 hours ago, so maybe your queries should be directed toward the maker of the "undetectable" cheat you decided to employ :P
  19. Only Even Balance, the creators and maintainers of PunkBuster™ software have the answers you need. Raise a troubleticket and wait for a response; http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/ PBBans is a privately run anti cheat site with no affiliation to Even Balance. All we can offer is advice based on what has worked re similar issues in the past.
  20. Only Even Balance can give a definitive answer to your question and they do not reveal anything to anyone about their detection methods etc. What I can tell you is that we see a lot of appeals claiming that they only used cheat engine, so use at your own risk.
  21. You would have to ask GGC what their policy is re this issue. I can only give a PBBans perspective.
  22. They did not manage to do anything :) The cached data time period ran out and because COD2 is no longer supported by EB the global ban checker we use does not work for COD2 any more, it just sticks in processing mode and does not reach the part of the process that tells you if a pbguid is clean or globally banned phase. Here's what it does when you check a pbguid from a supported game (BF3)
  23. Even Balance is no longer contracted to support COD1, COD:UO, and COD2. None of these games appears in the list of officially supported PunkBuster games here: http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php 72824b38 looks like it is derived from a leaked cd key, it has been used by players from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Morocco, The Netherlands, Croatia and Slovenia. It may well have been globally banned by EB in the past, but there is no way of checking now.
  24. http://www.pbbans.com/streaming-application.html
  25. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/downloads.html
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