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  Sgt.Gimli said:
Great the you guys are back! :)

Just one question...howcome I lost my sga status?


I seem to have lost my SGA status as well.

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Guest Harry_Man

finally i can watching lates bans again on the MBI System :ph34r:

and thanks for keeping the site back :ok:

  a.)kawz said:
I seem to have lost my SGA status as well.


It was posted earlier in thread that it will be automatic once your server(s) are streaming again.


I have been streaming for the past few hours with no change in status,, I guess it will take some time to filter through to all of the SGA's.


As the guys are probably busy at the moment, I would wait a day and see if the SGA status does update.


you all are invaluable to so many, thanks for making the effort to restore your servers and your great service. cheers.

Posted (edited)

I know I haven't posted here much but its nice to see that the community staff members here actually care about the end user... its quite rare now sadly in general I mean... on PBBans it seems great :D

Edited by mastermc0
Posted (edited)

Alright! Great to see you all back! Hey we already busted a hacker :D .


BTW, Buff hasn't shared his un-employment checks with us :P

Edited by Jaythegreat1

awesome welcome back


may the jackasses be caught that took this site down

hopefully we all get better help and resolutions to this sort of thing from happening again


am glad that you all reconsidered not closing your doors


Thanks for all of the great words of support!


For those of you whose servers are no longer streaming......remember that we moved from LA to NYC....and have changed IP addresses for the Hub :)

Posted (edited)

Great to see ya all back online!! Gaming wouldn't be the same without ya!!

Edited by Crazzie_canuck

Welcome back! Good to see you guys back in action. :)


PS Maydax, PBBANS team and donors kudos for your efforts, time and money!


We are glad to have you back on line...I know all the players on our servers are as well...

and thanks to all that help make this happen....

Thanks to all at PBBans for not giving in to the hackers.....

when i first found out about the issue my self and a lot more were just floored over the issue and the thought of no more PBBans...and we got together with a few other clans they know who they are, and we all shared are ban lists and passed it on to other clans that were friend with us and stuck together in this and I thnak everyone for that as well.

look forward to many more days of helping out and putting a stop to hackers and cheats...


Thanks guys for being there for us all


the =HOG= Clan


Good To have you guys back did not what to find something new Great Job keep it up !!! :D


La team des =Gd@= vous souhaite longue vie et vous remercie pour tout le travail effectu

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