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Everything posted by surfy

  1. Port was incorrect, you need the join port as per your battlelog server page ;) ---------- Server List ---------- BF4 - (Streaming) Streaming nicely now.
  2. I changed the port for you: ---------- Server List ---------- AAPG - (Streaming) AAPG - I believe the top one is correct for streaming :)
  3. Team upgraded to full streaming, thank you for providing all the necessary information. :)
  4. It is a list of in game names for all your tag wearing members
  5. Could you provide a link to a roster please?
  6. Nope nothing else required :) your account has been automatically updated. I shall make a note of your suggestion about the port numbers and see if we can get that added to the server addition and application page :)
  7. Fixed for you, you had added the server with the rcon port and not the join port :) It's streaming now! ---------- Account Information ---------- Team: Rollator-Rowdies Mixed Mode (Rowdy) Website: http://www.rollator-rowdies.de Account ID: 15993 Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 1) ---------- Server List ---------- BFBC2 - (Streaming)
  8. If you have cheat information you can always send it via this link http://www.pbbans.com/cheat-file-submission.html :)
  9. Loved 2142.. hardly any servers running it these days though
  10. Happy Christmas to you all and a fantastic 2015! Thanks everyone for your continued support!
  11. You have a global GUID Ban: http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php
  12. Great game!
  13. This has been done, although no need to make a post as admins approve servers regularly throughout the day :)
  14. You're at the wrong place.
  15. Both :) http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-860cf756-vb362310.html
  16. Shame as I actually loved Ryse :(
  17. While it looks relatively entertaining, I'm buggered if I'm going to splash out on it as if it's a new game because clearly it isn't much more then a mod. Remember special forces mod on BF2... those were the days!. Even BC2 gave us 4 free maps... meh!
  18. I have removed you from the team account as requested :)
  19. Your team information: ---------- Account Information ---------- Team: Beer_Me ((Beer_Me)) Website: http://beermeclan.com/ Account ID: 2754 Streaming Status: Not Streaming (0 / 0) ---------- Server List ---------- ---------- User List ---------- Beer_Sh0ts (117474) beerroach (176724) ---------- Helpful Links ---------- Account Management CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use) PBBans Hub Flags Master Player Index Automated Streaming Setup Not Streaming Fix Donations You currently have no server added to the account, which you would need to do for your server to stream. Also you are only set to lite streaming as your website doesn't mee the full streaming requirements. Those can be found here: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/streaming-application-requirements-t82423.html
  20. I found your roster :) http://valhalla-pl.enjin.com/klanowicze Account has been upgraded.
  21. Yeah playing it on and off when health allows. It's actually pretty fun most of the time with some really infuriating bits ;)
  22. I'd just get him out of your clans life and pay the money back... anything for an easy life. Some people just aren't suited to being admins. Hot heads are a definite no no and will only ever end in situations like this.
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