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Everything posted by Duality

  1. Removed all of the GUIDs from the original post. :)
  2. That is correct - unfortunately Crytek saw fit to say that they would never fix this bug in their game.
  3. Windows 7 is supposed to be rather good - fixing a lot of the problems that Vista had on release. I will reserve judgement on this until release. I currently use XP pro - and if 7 turns out to be any good I may upgrade, skipping vista altogether. My laptop is exclusively Ubuntu 9.04 - and that pwns the living crap out of any other OS I have used, linux or otherwise.
  4. I do apologise for the wait - I was offline from Saturday onwards as you are now aware :) I tend to do applications from the bottom up - so the ones that have been left longest get done first. I will sometimes do a couple out of the order they were posted if someone contacts me asking it to be done due to league matches etc that are due to be played. Another reason an application may be done last is if it requires extra investigations to be done.
  5. Done. EDIT: Damn I'm quick off the mark today :lol:
  6. I had heard that the guy has recently been made redundant. That may have fueled it - but this is a terrible event all the same... maybe in death the guy got what he deserved. An eye for an eye.
  7. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=88256
  8. Not going to bother explaining it on here - but suffice to say if you want/need to know what is going on, then google is your friend. I'm not giving the pillock responsible any more hits on his site.
  9. We are aware of it, measures will be taken. Expect a post on the matter soon.
  10. UrGonnaDie verified this for me, as did your site (which I have updated in the account details for you - it had changed since the account was created). I have also changed your tag to the new one. It is all done - the old master has been removed and you added. Welcome to the community :)
  11. Server does not appear to be streaming at this time.
  12. Play it in full screen - there is an option to do that once the game has started. Top left I think once you have joined a server, before you click "join game".
  13. Data last streamed 8 minutes ago, so streaming is working. Do you have this in your pbsv.cfg? pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver
  14. Some hackers cause "no hash" errors to appear in BF2CC where their CD key hash normally would be. This error also occurs to everyone who joins after the hacker joins. In cases like this - the only way to ban is by GUID, which is in my opinion a much more secure and reliable way of uniquely identifying players on your server.
  15. The CD Key hash is unimportant. It is easily changeable and spoofable from what I have seen. The GUID is the important thing.
  16. I am VERY impressed. 17 second boot on my laptop - the whole thing is a lot more polished and responsive as an OS.
  17. Try adding now - I removed it from the blacklist.
  18. I may try it out - but I don't have a huge amount of use for linux at the moment. We shall see :)
  19. This situation will be dealt with, I assure you. I don't know what is going to happen at this time - but the situation will be rectified. For now, I will close this thread to prevent any pointless speculation. The senior staff are aware of what has happened and it will be dealt with as soon as humanly possible.
  20. Thread closed. It was more of a "do this" thing, than a "do this and ask questions here too" thing.
  21. I know the feeling - no offense taken. I'm on my second week smoke free now :)
  22. Depending on why your application was denied - you can always re-apply once you have addressed the issues stated in your application thread. If you cannot re-apply for whatever reason, use our ban lists downloadable here: http://www.pbbans.com/mbi.php
  23. All of the info required is here: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=82423 It is a sticky thread in the applications area of the forum. As long as your team meets all of our criteria in that thread, then only one application will be required. As for the roster, I would prefer it to be on your site - rather than just a link to your TWL team roster. We also do not accept links to xfire pages for rosters or whole sites.
  24. In such cases, an active forum and a list of administrators will do just fine.
  25. It is a cheat file from several variants of the same multihack - plus some others. The file name may be of a legitimate file, but the MD5 fingerprint certainly is not ;)
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