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Everything posted by Duality

  1. PBBans has nothing to do with VAC or Steam.
  2. That IP appears on the MPI, so cannot stream to us.
  3. I really want Torchlight, but I have no monies :(
  4. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=108832 Always check for pinned topics.
  5. TS3 will be adopted pretty quickly tbh - even beta 1 is awesome.
  6. I assume ban commands from the hub are getting through just fine?
  7. Do want.
  8. Merry Christmas everyone :)
  9. Check that you are not using the ucon profile "0", as this prevents commands being sent to your server. PB_SV_UConAdd 0 pbbhub1 pbbanshub needs to be: PB_SV_UConAdd 1 pbbhub1 pbbanshub
  10. Just got my January issue of PC Gamer (UK version ofc) through the post. Gives MW2 80% - pretty much says that IWNet sucks, but when it works - it does work well enough to have a fun game. They also said that when you are winning, it is great fun. But when you are not, it sucks :lol:
  11. False positive :) http://virusscan.jotti.org/en-gb/scanresult/ca261bc22839555ca0c5c613463fd62806755700
  12. The cheating situation is getting out of control now. Another 2 no-recoilers in the last match I played. Neither of them bothered to deny it when I called them out. No doubt VAC won't even ban them - thanks to the piss poor implementation it has in MW2. I'm just angry now to be honest. I have stopped even trying to enjoy this game. It is a total and utter trainwreck in every way.
  13. Exactly. One of the massive problems at the moment is this tit 402 doesn't know what the hell he is on about. He spouts shite about things he has no idea about with alarming regularity. It was only recently he made a comment about reporting cheaters to VAC :lol: The left hand (402) has no idea what the right hand (the rest of IW) is doing - thus I don't believe for a minute that mod tools will ever get released. I tried to play this game again today - I lasted one match before I ragequit again. It is just no longer fun :( EDIT: I also feel the need to comment on that ModernWarfail site as well... They really have no idea what they are getting into, encouraging hackers like they are. They are basically undermining the work of every AC site out there - by essentially claiming that by trumpeting the achievements of hackers that things will get changed in games. You don't get games to be fixed by celebrating their "achievements". You get them fixed by keeping the idiots banned first and foremost. I can't believe they are giving shoutouts to hack sites. Idiots.
  14. Brilliant blog post, that. Great read.
  15. Also I think I owe =GoMg=THE__DRIFTER an apology - I was far too quick to dismiss his points earlier in this discussion, and it turns out he was right all along.
  16. To start off with, I really enjoyed the game. But as time went on, it quickly became clear how much was really wrong with it, and IW. Completely unbalanced. Akimbo shotguns? Seriously? One loadout can completely dominate at close range. IWNet is functional, but far, far from ideal. Hacking is very prevalent. Came across a guy running a humanised aimbot and no-recoil hacks today. Annoyed me so much I ragequit immediately. No patch notes, even after several updates. Thats not right, IMO. Terrible "community" support. Everything is said over twitter. Even the IW forum volunteer mods are calling IW out on it. One was demoted on the spot for voicing his concerns in public. No kick facility means I get stuck playing with racist 12 year olds every day. Killstreaks are fun, but quickly become ludicrously overpowered. Camp enough and you win. I hate camping. I am just struggling to enjoy it more and more as time goes on. I have clocked over 48 hours in game since release... and it is becoming more and more of a chore to play. I only play it now when I have uni mates online that I can start a lobby with. To put it simply - it is a lot of fun to start with, but once you start noticing the deficiencies in the game, it stops being fun and quickly becomes an exercise in frustration.
  17. The game is really starting to get on my tits now. Back to COD4 as my regular game I think. EDIT: Yes, you may consider my words completely and utterly eaten. :lol:
  18. Read his posts on the IW forums. 2/10. Troll needs to try a lot harder. EDIT: Oh lord. Somebody forgot his Ritalin today :lol:
  19. There has been one for a long time now...
  20. The only way to get on the PBBans MBI for BF2 is via a streamed Punkbuster violation or a verified PB Screenshot submission.
  21. I agree with this sentiment. Yep it is unfair - but if it is in the EULA then banned people really don't have a leg to stand on.
  22. Thats the problem though, they do. There are a few posts from Steam forum mods stating that chargebacks to valve result in a disabled account. It is a sad state of affairs :(
  23. The problem with that method is that doing a chargeback means that Valve disable your steam account - if you bought it on steam.
  24. Happens occasionally to me with various forum features - a refresh usually fixes it for me.
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