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Everything posted by buttscratcher

  1. It "looks" good, but so did BC2... Any update on core features?
  2. If Live says hes got servers in Europe, I'd suggest you give them a try. Cant speak to their servers in Europe, but we do rent one of our servers from them, state side. Their support staff has been very helpful in addressing various aspects of our rental package. If your unhappy w/ your provider, what do you have to loose? Good luck.
  3. buttscratcher


    ok, I'll play. Seeing that like other Klams infinite wisdom, the word "butt" in buttscratcher is not allowed, I had to go w/ one of my alternate IGNs. Is probably the root at some of my frustration w/ BC2 lol. They can have f*ck this , and Shit that, in ingame voice overs, but I cant have butt ! friggin idiot. As to the knife/tags part of the OP, I gave up on tags in 2142. Kinda lost the fun after you get enough of them, if you know what I mean... In BC2 I prefer the "one shot" w/ the saiga to the back of the head.
  4. true, but at least someone is trying...
  5. Just in time for hurricane season.
  6. lol, I swear I am generally not such a negitive Nelly. I guess I am just pissed off at myself for buying into the hype for BC2, and not going to do it again for another EA/DICE rebuild. Dont get me wrong, I really like BC2 at face value. But without the tools we need to "properly" admin a server, we pay the bills, but many cheaters go scott free. Then, you read quotes from the horses mouth about a demo recorder and server files, and its obvious he does not get it. BC2 would have been a fantastic platform for scrims/ladders, but I'll be damned if I am getting my guys into competitive play without a battle recorder. Been there, done that, never again. PC gaming "as we knew it", is in trouble, and that bothers me a great deal. I'll try not the be so "depressing" next time.:)
  7. Is this d
  8. Trust EA/DICE after BC2? I've already paid for one unfinished beta. Not intrested in paying for another.
  9. Good stuff. I've wondered about that before. Had no idea everything scaned was saved to a hard drive. 4999 posts eh? Make 5000 a whopper! Thanks for your effort around here.
  10. Hello and welcome to the site. As mentioned above, that is a known issue. One that no one seems able to reslove. There is much reading you can do on this and other simular topics. Have a look in here: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/battlefield-bad-company-2-f549.html Your question has been covered there, along with other helpful information and tips. If you have other questions related to your server and up to date news reguarding the game, its available. Read the stickies, and browse the other stuff. The people are helpful and friendly. Give a shout if you have other questions. Butt
  11. I hear where your comming from. You tried to help alot of people here, and am sure many appreciated your efforts. Hope to see you back asap.
  12. not bad. thought I'd heard them all. I stopped reading a few posts later, as tired head set in with the "wordy" posts. blah blah blah "pc security is my responsibility" and no one elses.
  13. The Hitler joke series has got the axe. Enjoy the funnies untill the utube gestapo executes the last of the Hitler holdouts. Was fun while it lasted... EDIT: thx BOTA:X ur a smart cookie.
  14. Matches/Ladder play with out a Battle Recorder? Good luck with that. Going to use the honor system?
  15. hmmmm. that sure is odd. I've not messed with any settings. EDIT: Yes, you are correct. Was turned off (guessing) by provider. Had a look in the provided control panel, and it was shown to be off. I appreciate you checking. Perhaps there was some sort of update overnight and pb off is a default setting? Everything seemed to be in order last night. I've a hard enough time keeping up with my own efforts. Sure as hell dont need the provider messing with my settings. A heads up email would have been nice from them. Thanks again for figuring this out.
  16. I read there was going to be some master server maintence overnight. Our server is online, but is no longer streaming. What steps do I need to take to get it streaming again? Thank you. Butt
  17. lol, is that the euro to dollar conversion price? We're giving GS a try for this, and it was $1.24 a slot.
  18. Thats really intresting actually. Are they fixing something by doing this, or cutting corners? As in the lack of client side commands. I've got to belive (hope) EA will come through w/ some sort of Battle Recorder at some point. There are more reasons its needed than not. Oh, btw, a late congratz on the positivity from DICE. I am sure your as happy as the rest of us.
  19. Probably for the best. If things can be worked out for an anti cheat cooperation with EA/DICE, it would be best (imho) in the long run to keep things 'on task', without site clutter/filler fluff. Who knows, if things go well - and other companies come by to see what the attraction w/ PBbans is all about, they will see a community with a singular focus on anti-cheat issues. Having a forum void of such things lends a feeling of crediability/seriousness to the main goal. Never hurts to put ones best foot forward. You never know who may be checking you out.
  20. ^Couldn't agree more. Get rid of either option all together. To me, this site is about so much more than "look at me" and what I am up to fluff. Save shout boxes/updates for the generic clan site. There are so many other avenues for self expression on the net, that this forum would be better off without either. Who gives a shit what Joe Blow is up to anyway, other than Joe?
  21. I've been there before, and it stinks when you find yourself in such a spot. Not all this cheat stuff your group was into, but blindly following the wrong leaders... Eventually those things come to a head, and people go their seperate ways. "Better late than never" as they say. Hopefully through the efforts/digging of the PBbans staff , you will be propelled into a positive new direction on your own. Best of luck. Butt
  22. This thread is kinda funny if you stop and think about it. Someone from a league, trying to pimp a server provider, with a game with NO BATTLE RECORDER! Makes as much sence as the Apple software spam thread from a few weeks ago.
  23. Not wow, but shamWOW! Excellent! Thank you
  24. Hey Guys and Girls: Was wondering to myself about the MPi the other day. Found this section and thought I'd take a second and ask a question. Is there a way to rework the MPi so that cookies are used to remember search criteria? I absolutly LOVE the MPi, is the first tool I use when I have doubts about a player. If it were at all possible, I think it would be even easier if 'search options' & 'display options' were remembered from the previous MPi use. I have no idea how this would be done, or if even possible. Just an idea I had the other day. Thx. Butt
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