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So, here it goes...


Who all is getting MW3?


Question is, why would I? The game is so absolutely aimed an designed for the XBox, both PC and PS3 are less than afterthoughts. They have chosen their target market. It's fine with me also, it's going to seem lame after playing BF3 and RO2. And besides, I'm too old for kiddie games, lol. Let the Xboxer's have it.


I'm downloading it now, said I wouldn't but after RO2 don't think could be any worse...I hope not anyway :P


So, here it goes...


Who all is getting MW3?


No, I didn't buy MW2 and I refuse to buy any Activision game.


It seems some people had issues with pre-ordering the game:




Police in Aurora, Colo., said a man threatened to shoot Best Buy employees and even blow up the store when a copy of the game he had pre-ordered wasn't available.


And in Kansas City, Mo., one man wanted a copy of the game badly enough that he was prepared to steal it at gunpoint. Police arrested the teenager Tuesday on charges that he followed a man from a local GameStop, pulled a gun on him and tried to steal his copy of the game.


Ranks are stored clientside from what I read and they left in the score modifiers like WaW and Black Ops.


After some browsing in my program files I found my multiplayer client config.


C: / Program Files / Steam / SteamApps / common / call of duty modern warfare 3/players2/config_mp.cfg 


I opened it with WordPad or another text editor.

I added this to the bottom line.


seta scr_dom_score_kill "9999"


Obviously I hit it, and I went in-game via 'Find Match' a domination game play.

Coincidentally, I was host, and got everyone in my lobby 9999XP per kill.









thats the only thing i can say ...

Call of Duty Elite's problems have apparently just gone from bad to worse with Beachhead announcing that the PC version of the service now might not appear at all.


"We are working towards a universal Elite experience but we cannot guarantee if or when a version will be available for the PC," reads an official Call of Duty Elite tweet.


The PC version of Elite was delayed just ahead of Modern Warfare 3's launch, with Activision stating that it had to "re-imagine" the service for PC, essentially making it just about stats and community - it'll be entirely free as a result, but lack the features and content available with premium subscriptions for the console versions of Elite.


CoD Elite's launch issues have been on-going since Modern Warfare 3 arrived last week.



sorry guys... again: HOW can i see who is Host?

I changed maxbars to 10 bars interval 20 and i cant see who it is. Even if i am the host i have not more bars then the others. I see almost everyone with 8-9 bars (i counted) so i never see 10 bars.


Sorry' date=' before i said i see everyone with 10 bars but correct is nearly everyone has 8-9 bars.[/quote']


you can't tell who the host is anymore' date=' IW makes it so you can't tell. This did this because they hate PC gamers.[/quote']



i lol'd



With $775 million of sales of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 in its first five days, Call of Duty has become the first entertainment property in history to set five-day launch records for three consecutive years across all forms of entertainment


According to Microsoft:
  • More than 7.0 million multiplayer hours were logged playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 by the end of launch day, November 8, a 19% increase over last year's 5.9 million multiplayer hours logged playing Call of Duty: Black Ops last year's launch day.
  • More than 3.3 million unique gamers played Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 in one day on November 8 up from 2.6 million unique gamers for Call of Duty: Black Ops.
  • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 set a new record for concurrent players on Xbox LIVE with 3.3 million simultaneous users on November 8.



Guess CoD 2012 will be more of the same based on the numbers. No doubt Activision will milk it for all it's worth.


As long as the moronic sheeple keep lining up at the door on release day, why should they change anything?

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As long as the moronic sheeple keep lining up at the door on release day, why should they change anything?



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Right now there are all sorts of problems not being able to change fov, fps, packets and the list goes on.


It feels like MW3 is a rehash of MW2 with no changes. It's like being given just new maps, skin and no improvements.


I pictured EA Games really and truly won the ware and not Activision for the 2011 best FPS game of the year. COD is officially dead for me after MW3. The final nail the coffin cover has been struck. :(



BF3 + Customer Support + PB + PBBANS + Donuts = Sweetest Victory + $60 bucks



And I wish you all a safe and Merry Xmas to PBBANS from Hayling. :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Finally, some release notes for the patches:




Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Update History (All Platforms included)


TU1: Enabled Theater, Vault, Private Match options, Elite and Facebook functionality for Launch Day.


TU2: Fix for YouTube video upload on SD TVs. Matchmaking Improvements.


TU3: Theater Improvements (Fix to FF and RW in Theater), LAG improvements, Improvements to Hot Fix system.


TU4: Change to address hitching and lag in gameplay.


TU5: Further improvements for hitching and addressing lag in gameplay.





Hot Fix Updates:


No Recoil glitch


Infinite Laptop killstreak glitch (Stealth Bomber Glitch)


Map Exploits (Getting into trucks, under maps) Fix


Prevent Slow-mo and Super Fast lobbies




Re-balancing and Updates currently in Development:


TU6: Additional improvements to address lag. Fix for Melee Jump. Clan Tag Validation (remove buttons from clan tags). Improve Host Migration logic. Prevent stat Loss.




Hot Fixes after TU6:


Weapon Rebalancing (Dual FMG-9, Type-95, CM-901 Attachments)


Hitmarker Sound on Ps3


Reticle fix for certain weapons.




Community feedback currently in discussion:


Updates to the Spawn system



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