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Everything posted by =BLACKWOLF=

  1. Times are changing :P You now add servers through your Account Manager: Link.
  2. Those are the streaming settings for PunksBusted, not PBBans. Visit the information center which is linked from the PBBans.com homepage.
  3. That is the hub greetings feature, and is configurable through your Account Management control panel (link on the PBBans.com homepage).
  4. If you are a streaming game admin, our Master Player Index allows you to search for a player by Alias, GUID, or IP address. You can then view information on the player, aswell as determine if they are banned.
  5. Copy it exactly as Fozzer posted. There is no need for you to set it to anything other than "" unless you want to save the screenshots elsewhere (a location other than /svss/).
  6. Your ban is under appeal, and we can take no action until EvenBalance respond to your ticket. Appropriate action will be taken once a response is received from them.
  7. pb/svss/
  8. Your best bet is to submit a trouble ticket to EvenBalance. Visit www.evenbalance.com and submit one there. Provide as much information as possible.
  9. Are they in your pbbans.dat file? If that is the case, it is most likely that those bans are being sent to your server by the PBBans hub (i.e. they have been caught on other streaming servers and the ban is then being added to yours).
  10. There is a way to limit the number of connections, but I can't remember if this was coded into certain mods, or even etadmin_mod. Probably best to allow about 2-3 connections per IP address incase two players play from the same household.
  11. Someone has to be running the server, otherwise, it wouldn't be there? :) Were there any scrolling messages pointing you to their website?
  12. If someone is using custom skins on a pure server, it's a cheat, and will show in a screenshot (unless the skins are installed on the server also). For un-pure servers, this isn't the case.
  13. Click here. Click 'modify' under the server you wish to enable greeting on. Check the 'Allow Hub Greetings' flag. Configure a greeting at the bottom of the page in the 'Join Greeting' section.
  14. The server is streaming under the illuminati account. Contact them and ask them to remove it from their account. You can then add it to yours without any problems.
  15. Send the rcon command: pb_sv_uconlist Does it return the following:
  16. What method did you use to configure your server? The easiest way is via rcon (instructions here). Or, send these commands via rcon, one at a time:
  17. It means the server is checking for the existance of known cheat files in your game directory.
  18. It will be approved shortly. You do not need to do anything else.
  19. Are there any omni-bots running at all? If so, add this to your server config: set g_mapconfigs "mapconfigs" Create a folder inside your 'Jaymod' directory and name it 'mapconfigs'. Create a .cfg file inside your 'mapconfigs' directory and call it 'default.cfg'. In in, add: bot kickall That always fixed the issue for everyone I've set servers up for in the past. Note that the server must have maxbots configured so the bots will be re-added once they're kicked.
  20. I recommend you follow the rcon setup method. Send a few rcon commands to your server and you're done: http://www.pbbans.com/information.php?page=hubguide#rcon
  21. Some screenshots will return like that. I recommend you use the setting: pb_sv_autoss 1 The server will then automatically take screenshots of all connected clients at regular intervals.
  22. Those are bans being sent to your server from the Hub. I recommend you go to your account manager, click 'Manage Servers', then uncheck the three 'Accept xxx Bans' flags, and finally, check the 'Enforce Bans' flag. If you do not do this, you must click 'Master Ban Index' from the PBBans homepage and update your ban list manually (one off update). Checking the 'Enforce Bans' flag means you don't have to do this.
  23. Interesting. I look forward to it's release :)
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