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Everything posted by Merlintime

  1. Please elaborate about the message received from PBBans requesting the suspect players GUID. Below are types of evidence which are accepted. All bans must be supported by streamed logs. A screenshot of your RCON tool does not meet the evidence criteria previously mentioned.
  2. The issue is currently being researched. We'll update when resolved. Thanks for your patience.
  3. Votre second serveur est en attente d'approbation. De nouveaux serveurs doivent
  4. The server appears to check out and will be reactivated.
  5. That server was found to be a cracked server. Cracked servers are not allowed to utilize the streaming services of PBBans. The server is passworded therefore we are unable to verify if the issue has been resolved.
  6. Your name appears on several shared/leaked cd-keys. Recommend you purchase your own copy and do not share cd-keys. If you continue with the previously mentioned habits, then linked banned GUIDs will increase.
  7. Punkbuster kicks for violations. It is up to the server admin or third party anti-cheat site to issue a ban. And you know this person is not cheating simply because he/she told you 'I'm not cheating!" Last 8 of the GUID?
  8. Enter a PB Enabled server and type pb_myguid in the console. Most games use the '~' key to open the console. COD series use the 'Shift + ~' to open a full console. Also some games require a '\' or '/' preceding the command pb_myguid when entered in the console. You can also use the PB Client logging to retrieve your GUID. http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-clientlog.html
  9. The Blu Ops team (ID 6090) has been removed as requested.
  10. Also, there is a thirty day delay on the PsB public ban list.
  11. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?sho...mp;#entry209554 Once the team has been removed you will be able to add BlueRad to your Team account. Additional note: There is no need to make 3 different posts.
  12. That GUID isn't banned here at PBBans but does show an external ban at AASA. Please inquire there regarding this GUID.
  13. The latest versions of Punkbuster are listed on the Evenbalance site, http://www.evenbalance.com/. The pbucon.use file will normally appear empty. If I remember correctly, the pbucon.use file is a temp 'scratchpad' for the PBUcon streaming method.
  14. You have been removed from Team Account as requested. *************************************************************** Team: Chaos Gamers (=[CG]=) Account ID: 2642 Streaming Status: Not Streaming (0 / 0) ***************************************************************
  15. If you simply wish to be removed from the team, which do you want to take your place as Account Master?
  16. http://www.pbbans.com/globalban.php You will not be able to join Punkbuster enabled servers.
  17. PBBans is a privately run Anti-Cheat site. The rule to not allow streaming from home (LAN) located systems is in place for several reasons. The public IP for your server is the same as your gaming machine. This means the game server is located on your home network and will not be allowed to stream. As Duality stated, this is not up for debate. This is our rule as a privately run Anti-Cheat site.
  18. Quote from PBBans TOS: Your server falls in the LAN category therefore cannot be allowed to stream. Co-Locate the server in a dedicated data center that is not in your home then it can be considered as a streaming candidate.
  19. Recommend reading the PBBans TOS; http://www.pbbans.com/tos.php. Review the starters guide; http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-starterguide.html. Be aware any members with cheat violations will need to be removed and remain out of the clan.
  20. The struggle against online cheats is a perpetual reactionary battle. It's unfortunate but a reality. Keeping your server up to date with the lastest CVAR/MD5 checks while streaming to PBBans will help. Hopefully Treyarch will soon add the ability to record demos. The PBSSs in COD5 having 'Unknown Soldier' is a known issue. I believe it has to do with the game developer and how the name is stored.
  21. Server Join Greetings: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?s=&...st&p=136582 Personal Greetings: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=27872
  22. The IP address has been removed from the banned list. Note: Continued attempts to stream cracked server(s) will result in suspension of the team account.
  23. The status upgrade to SGA is generally an automatic process. As of this post your status is SGA so the issue appears to have been resolved.
  24. This server was found to be a crack server. Such servers are not allowed to utilize the services of PBBans.
  25. Ace has already stated a 100% match with a known cheat.
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