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Ice Man

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Everything posted by Ice Man

  1. I'm sure maydax will get right on that :lol:
  2. http://ve3d.ign.com/articles/news/48433/Am...uickly-Silenced
  3. A. Reinstall your os B. buy avast or something better then what you have for an AV program C. Buy a new copy of the game and move on... You were banned because someone got ahold of your key. most likely through a virus, either way the ban on the guid will not be lifted as it would allow the "hacker" to continue to play under your guid.
  4. One of their server admins must have banned you via punkbuster. so your ban will be in their pbbans.dat file. That file (pbbans.dat )can be found in the pb folder on their server. Again you are NOT banned here... This sounds like a local ban... Our lists our instant, once a player is banned it takes 3 seconds to become banned... same thing with lifting a ban. -Dan
  5. the red box
  6. the console will not say it but you can check your server on the side of our site (front page) if everything is working correctly. You could also setup a greeting for yourself. A pb_sv_uconlist command will show where you are streaming too but if something is still not configured correctly it still maynot be streaming.
  7. might wanna start streaming here first :P next thing we will never accept demos from the BF series until they come up with a better system. http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php
  8. Ice Man

    MD5 tool

    ban appeal will be denied if its opened. Your friend had a cheat related file on his computer. You should note that the digital fingerprint of the detected file ( a7cec7ba9a3bc6d0bff9568e0738dedd ) is streamed along with everything else; ->PBSV: MD5Tool ["CoD2qESP.dll" SZ44544 AT4096 LEN32 A7CEC7BA9A3BC6D0BFF9568E0738DEDD] from (slot# 21) TEAMENJOI^4HD^7RUS It is an exact match for the cheat file we have in our database and there is no chance of a rock solid detection of this type ever being removed.
  9. I asked for factual evidence, if you wish to send the keygen fine... so the key would have to spam the activsion auth server numerous times to find a working key, would they not? I highly doubt that activision would allow anything to query their master server that many times to return a true key... send me the file if you want, I see no reason to keep this open and I have no idea why you decided to randomly start posting here. Ill post the results if you want also :)
  10. I am speaking honestly, how about you give us factual evidence that these "keygens" are supplying legit never used keys? I do not believe the encryption is broken, I believe that keys are stolen numberous ways including viruses.
  11. The answer is this, those lovely key generators you see are using the same leaked keys.. you are not looking at "brand new keys". If you were then why would cheat websites be selling keys???
  12. already has super, dealing with the situation :P
  13. you can contact me, fozzer, duality or any other staff member you feel comfortable with ;)
  14. You do not need to post a new topic for each question, please reply here. first off please give us the server IP, if the server is not streaming we will not accept a demo. Thank you, -Dan
  15. you need to A. have your server(s) streaming here and B. Be an SGA (added onto a team account) to submit demos. Lets start with this 1) do you own the server? 2) what is the server ip / port ? 3) what is the game?
  16. alright here is the dealio, I transferred the server to your account and it is streaming BUT I locked your team account (won't be SGA) until you give us a valid url for a webpage for your clan. -Dan
  17. Those are from another anti cheat organization...
  18. 1. enter a server and type /pb_myguid in the console, copy down all the numbers (or the last 8 digits). If you have ftp access to your server you can download the pb logs (which would be in your pb/svlogs folder) and find your guid in there. Your guid is NOT your hash. 2. You need a link to it on the front page of your website. When I click on the members link on your website I get this message: this link needs to be viewable by the public without registering
  19. The game is made so you can use it on any computer? would you rather have a system where you could not (1 game per computer). People would boycott the games..
  20. In short no. Its your responsibility to keep your PC secure from viruses that may have stolen your key. As long as the ban is valid your guid will not be unbanned.
  21. If you are banned or linked to a ban and a staff member has enough evidence that proves that the ban is actually you who triggered it then yes their clan could be "in trouble" and just have to remove you in the long run (or have their account suspended, meaning they lose all streaming rights).
  22. anyone can play again on PB enabled servers with a new copy of the game... the guy above looks like he just got you to send your cd key for the game to him (which equals your guid which we ban)... Good job :lol:
  23. Ban will not be lifted and the MPI data will not be altered. I suggest you talk to your old clan more about the issue but in the end it is their choice how they interpret the MPI search.
  24. new cd key = new guid your old cd key = old guid old guid = banned I hope you understand the equation
  25. buy a legit copy from a retail store and reinstall your os with a proper anti virus program before playing again.
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