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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. your welcome several players (including myself) with this problem on our CoD4 server
  2. have you disabled steam in game community? also see this thread http://www.pbbans.com/forums/disallowed-programdriver125141-t108204.html
  3. thank you MaydaX and thank you butt for asking;)
  4. that smells like a crappy console port....or MW2...oh same thing:eek:
  5. just because your firewall is not blocking, does not mean you are not having communication problems with specific servers you could have bad hops between you and those servers you said it only happens on a few servers what kind of pings do you get? run tracert on those IPs from a cmd prompt and see if there are bad hops
  6. if it only happens on a few servers i would guess it has more to do with actual connection issues someone running vista may be able to give more details on admin/compatibility modes
  7. does this happen on all servers or just one/a few? could be a connection issue or not running with admin rights or maybe you need to run in compatibility mode
  8. grats on staff

    i still think "Chief Propaganda Pig" was cooler ;p

  9. obviously a cheater that has been caught in the past who else would post such drivel?
  10. not sure this qualifies as community news....
  11. i find it hard to believe that the rank system will not be compromised, no matter what they do. {insert ostrichHeadinSand.jpg}
  12. search MBi by alias (name) and the game you play

    it would be easier if you had the GUID

  13. no, he actually is good at predicting :hailtotheking:
  14. +1 bottom line is that a repeated cached (or black)SS still does not prove a cheat
  15. no, PBBans does not have a list of local bans for the thousands servers streaming to them PBBans has no control { and i assume no desire for another huge db to keep up with} over local bans on individual servers
  16. don't revive a dead thread make your own and you will have a better chance getting help PBBans is not EvenBalance EvenBalance is the maker of PunkPuster
  17. that account is locked guess you will have to wait for an accounts guru
  18. what is the account you are associated with now? team name, tag, account number? ideally the account master from that team would remove you
  19. this game is not balanced for balancing
  20. exactly, they lost what little credibility they had the first time they did the "LOOK! See ! check what the cheaters are doing!" we have to assume IW had already written off the non_casual PC gamers way before any of us every had a clue wtf was going on nothing anyone says or does will get them to change the game. it is a win/win for them they get to ignore the vocal minority and spoon feed the console port to the masses associating with the cheaters is just getting your hands dirty guilt by association
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