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Everything posted by Raistlin

  1. Can I ask why? If the standard cvar restrictions in place on most servers 90-120, does it really add that much of a benefit before they get kicked, though Steve would be the person likely to love the challange :-)
  2. Heh heh very nice though one question how do you change where the hp is announced? I see on your server its in the left hand side where the kill is announced rather than middle of the screen in banner area
  3. Nice, stuck at work but we are going outside for a snowball fight later ;-)
  4. Nope it's not :-(
  5. Doesn't that means the the pb install as part of the game wasn't installed with enough priveleges so maybe not installed under an admin account on the pc. They should download the pbweb.exe application from Evenbalance and use that to update their pb then try again.
  6. i don't believe the servers force that rate anymore, and we are talking over a year ago , and I thought they were streaming as well.
  7. When you streaming all information is sent so if you are setting cvars that aren't on the pbbans list they will get parsed out and ignored as local cvars only. But notsure why you would want to force everyones cvars to the same value, alot of cvars are ranges that are allowed and it is down to the user to ensure that they meet those ranges. After all PB gives them warning if they are outside of the range prior to being kicked, so they have time to change it in the console before getting kicked. Technically you can force a cvar to a certain value I believe but given people want control of their config alot write protect their configs, so the only option is for them to set it themselves. Example of cvar range b_sv_cvar rate in 2500 25000 allows for users who may still be a slow connection and only would kick if they had less the 2500 or more than 25000. If you forced cvars like the ones below to be value 0 and the user had them set to something other than what they have , they would normally get logged and banned for having a known hack cvar set. By forcing any of those to 0 you would in effect undo the work your server is doing by streaming pb_sv_cvar et_aim IN 0 pb_sv_cvar et_distance IN 0 Personally I am happy taking the pbbans recommendations for the cvar settings and let it kick people for 2 mins for being outside the cvars set, but wouldn't force a cvar change on a connecting user. Some other admins may have a different view, I know the >B< servers used to force the rate to be 40000 which caused me problems when I connected to most servers that are capped at 25000, Let the debate begin. regards Raist
  8. Just cause a server is running pb doesn't mean that the server admin knows how to set up all the cvars, that a streaming site like PBBAN's can help identify, or even go back and look at the server once it's setup. We were all starters at some point and how many had servers, enabled pb and thought that they were protected. Just advise them that they can gain a lot by streaming from a site like this and if they are a cheaters paradise/playground or just don't want the hassle of setting all this additional config up, go play somewhere else, after all there are plenty of admins on this site running updated servers, who are all jockeying for players who just want to play ;-)
  9. Fozzer does look like some member of a rough gang, but who knows what lurks under the clothing ;-) just remember that its a new year so he will have changed his undies only a few weeks ago
  10. Then just right a little script to read the file and grep vsay or what ever passes for chat in the log and pipe it to a seperate file :-) Always interesting to see what people chat about while waiting for spawn, though I tend to do it more for matches when there is a dispute, though it didn't help for one.
  11. Ok for transfer when there are more than one team account, wouldn't it just be a case of A deleting the server from their team account and B adding it? 2nd option I thought was an admin to be added to the same team , so they are added as a streaming admin of GC just the request needs to be submitted by you as the initial streaming admin for GC.
  12. Way to go, shows the work is worth it
  13. Ok Grandad ;-) was just checking, curiousity and all that
  14. Can he request that it be removed, being a normal user, I'd to think just anyone can request a server be removed from streaming?
  15. lol as wordy as ever foxdie ;-)
  16. Actually if you are building a new server then shouldn't you create a ban file with all of them then by streaming you get all the new ones, or if by streaming it will check and add them all?
  17. Hi It won't be streaming till the weekend when I get a chance to configure it all , I was just doing the prep, and configuring the configs etc. Thanks Raist
  18. Game: ET Rep or Hub Hub Old IP: n/a New IP: Ansalon Clan Tag: Kry
  19. Yes you filled out the info but were you the admin who registered the server with PBBANS. That admin is the one who needs to verify that you are an admin for that to change is what maester was trying to say.
  20. I thought it was more a topic on how to enable you to go back to your normal config when you have been forced cvars, so write protect or exec a complete config
  21. Don't believe I was making any suggestion of a hack was just using that only occurance of a force cvar I come across as an example of why I always have everything in my config and it bound to a key so I can exec it when I go back to a server that restricts rate to 25000 like jolt ;-)
  22. Used to get this a lot when visiting <B> servers it sets 40000 then go back to Jolt and get kicked unless I hit F5 to re-exec my config. So if you have a config that contains all of these settings in values that are within a league's settings bind execing it to a key and then even if you get changed elsewhere you can set it back to your standards. I also use this while testing, then if something helps and I want to keep it, it goes into my standard.
  23. It may be even simpler in that there maybe more than one pc in that home and he just installed ET on that machine and played from that.
  24. What game has scrolling thermals? Sorry just curious what this effect is and what game as I play Wolf and ET.
  25. Yeah I will vote Jolt as my first and my personal choice And Framespersecond http://www.fps.net/ for a server I have inherited My main consideration is always the support either via irc or forum and have had no reason to fault support from either.
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