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[COD MW2] No dedicated servers or PB

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No way they won those legitamately. All the problems with multiplayer on thier forums says that it isn't the best. Fact is, they had no competition this year.


Best Weapon: Frying Pan... or the guitar... Can't go wrong by going Honky Tonk Man on the zombies.


No competition? Sure they had competition. Borderlands, Left 4 Dead 2, Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising, just to name a few off the top of my head. The problem is too many people bought into the hype. The media pretty much brainwashed all those who wanted something new to play. And like brainless zombies running in to get slaughtered, they all rushed out to get MW2.


I'm still keeping tabs on Xfire's game/play hour tracking. And each week I see the numbers go down bit by bit, little by little. Each time the weekend rolls around, it spikes up. But every time the weekend passes and the weekdays roll around, it goes into a slump. Compared that to CoD4, and you see a similar trend but with one big difference -- the numbers are consistent and the graph pattern is steady.


IW says that VAC will provide a cheat-free environment. With all the cheating going around as evident from player experience, is it too much to demand for a refund for a defective product? This isn't quality product that IW is making it out to be. And how is the game balanced when certain kill streak perk will boost your kill streak far enough to reward you with the nuke? A P2P multi-player environment where anything or everything goes can go unchecked, can we really consider that balanced? And they try to get skeptics to play the game first rather than get a definitive answer? Pffft...


Also... surfy mentioned:

I also hope something comes along that will capture the imagination of Online PC gamers soon or we'll be a dying breed stuck playing half assed console ports

What we need is a revival of Tribes! Jetpack-totin', mortar-launching, mid-air-discing good ol' fun. If only it can be recreated down to the network code and HUD customizations...


I highly doubt it will happen at all Surf.


Exactly. One of the massive problems at the moment is this tit 402 doesn't know what the hell he is on about. He spouts shite about things he has no idea about with alarming regularity. It was only recently he made a comment about reporting cheaters to VAC :lol:


The left hand (402) has no idea what the right hand (the rest of IW) is doing - thus I don't believe for a minute that mod tools will ever get released.


I tried to play this game again today - I lasted one match before I ragequit again. It is just no longer fun :(




I also feel the need to comment on that ModernWarfail site as well...


They really have no idea what they are getting into, encouraging hackers like they are. They are basically undermining the work of every AC site out there - by essentially claiming that by trumpeting the achievements of hackers that things will get changed in games.


You don't get games to be fixed by celebrating their "achievements". You get them fixed by keeping the idiots banned first and foremost. I can't believe they are giving shoutouts to hack sites. Idiots.


Since when did it become cool to cheat/hack just because the game/developer is stupid?




Exactly. One of the massive problems at the moment is this tit 402 doesn't know what the hell he is on about. He spouts shite about things he has no idea about with alarming regularity. It was only recently he made a comment about reporting cheaters to VAC :lol:


The left hand (402) has no idea what the right hand (the rest of IW) is doing - thus I don't believe for a minute that mod tools will ever get released.


I tried to play this game again today - I lasted one match before I ragequit again. It is just no longer fun :(




I also feel the need to comment on that ModernWarfail site as well...


They really have no idea what they are getting into, encouraging hackers like they are. They are basically undermining the work of every AC site out there - by essentially claiming that by trumpeting the achievements of hackers that things will get changed in games.


You don't get games to be fixed by celebrating their "achievements". You get them fixed by keeping the idiots banned first and foremost. I can't believe they are giving shoutouts to hack sites. Idiots.




exactly, they lost what little credibility they had the first time they did the "LOOK! See ! check what the cheaters are doing!"



we have to assume IW had already written off the non_casual PC gamers way before any of us every had a clue wtf was going on


nothing anyone says or does will get them to change the game. it is a win/win for them


they get to ignore the vocal minority and spoon feed the console port to the masses


associating with the cheaters is just getting your hands dirty


guilt by association

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The cheating situation is getting out of control now. Another 2 no-recoilers in the last match I played. Neither of them bothered to deny it when I called them out. No doubt VAC won't even ban them - thanks to the piss poor implementation it has in MW2.


I'm just angry now to be honest. I have stopped even trying to enjoy this game. It is a total and utter trainwreck in every way.


The cheating situation is getting out of control now. Another 2 no-recoilers in the last match I played. Neither of them bothered to deny it when I called them out. No doubt VAC won't even ban them - thanks to the piss poor implementation it has in MW2.


I'm just angry now to be honest. I have stopped even trying to enjoy this game. It is a total and utter trainwreck in every way.



lol every time i report someone for hacking I always write


"for god sakes VAC can't you do a job like PB? at least they catch hackers...all you do is basically give them the hacks...

get some AC'ing skills please"


VAC doesn't take reports so, there's no good in doing it.


+1 they trash them out of hand


Have no fear.. fixes are on the way!!



Twitter updates make everything look so professional don't u think? :lol:


Have no fear.. fixes are on the way!!




Twitter updates make everything look so professional don't u think? :lol:


I wish they'd leave all that junk alone and let us play the game the way they originally intended and balanced it. Modifying the game from the state it was released in, who do they think they are? Dedicated server admins?


I wish they'd leave all that junk alone and let us play the game the way they originally intended and balanced it. Modifying the game from the state it was released in, who do they think they are? Dedicated server admins?


this game is not balanced for balancing

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Just got my January issue of PC Gamer (UK version ofc) through the post. Gives MW2 80% - pretty much says that IWNet sucks, but when it works - it does work well enough to have a fun game.


They also said that when you are winning, it is great fun. But when you are not, it sucks :lol:


Man IW is soo the new EA.


Jason West: Yeah, the studio has been shut down for all of December, but these guys are playing the game and they want to come in on their own time to fix it and patch it. Considering that they're all on vacation, the responsiveness of the team has been pretty awesome. [Note: based on the new unlimited ammo glitch, they still have some work to do. Unless there's a Christmas miracle]




Guess that explains the lackluster support. Must be nice to release a pile is shit and take 2 months off




What tiny bit of respect I had left, after reading that, has made me more than angry at Infinity Ward. Demoting forum moderators without warning, explanation, or any response. Unbelievable! Definitely another sign they've given up on the PC community, and headed towards strictly console-oriented gaming, and do not give a rat's ass about any of us.

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he Xbox 360 version will be getting the same, just waiting on ETA on it's release. PC gets same plus fix for hacked textures & altered IWDs


great they fix one hack but what about the other hundred hacks out there ?


quote from @http://twitter.com/fourzerotwo/


Such a shame. Im glad I didn't buy the game. Im just going to continue to play COD4 till BFBC 2 comes out.

Posted (edited)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has been crowned the top illegally downloaded game for the PC of 2009. It brought in, 4,100,000 downloads costing the company $245 million dollars. The torrent can easily be found with a simple Google search, making the number of downloads to easily increase.


ccording to TorrentFreak, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has been downloaded illegally nearly 4,100,000 times for PC in 2009, topping the list after only releasing just two months ago.


Provided these numbers are indeed accurate, Activision has potentially lost more than $245 million in sales on the PC version alone.


The Sims 3, Prototype, Need for Speed Shift, and Street Fighter IV help round off the top five for the year, all of which appeared on the PC platform.


New Super Mario Bros. Wii was the highest downloaded Wii title with 1,150,000 downloads.


The report notes the total download figures for this year double that of last year's numbers, and that PC remains to be the target for torrent downloads, with more than three times that of the Wii and Xbox 360.









Edited by Piggy

Just another reason they'll quit supporting PC-gaming, really. Mind you, if they'd released a game with the PC-player in mind, most of those downloaders would have likely bought it. Release a pile of steaming crap like they did, those numbers are not astounding at all.

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