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Everything posted by buttscratcher
Seeing they are too elite to post here (unless patting themselves on the back) send them a PM and ask. Heck, I for one would love a straight answer on that one. Starting to think EB is getting kickbacks to not fix it... I know its kinda "out of left field", but think about it... Its the one utility (minus demos) that renders many cheats useless. Which in turn makes hacksite claims of "undetectable" still an accurite selling point. Think about how much money ppl spend on hacks. Its a big business in its own right. Plenty of money to afford a few back room deals. Theres a legit reason why many ppl are asking: "If Steam can do it, why can't EvenBallance do it?" Either they don't have the smarts, or theres a more lucrative reason. butt
Yes I like it. Most people in our clan quit it within the first three months due to the gawd awful state it was in on release. Lack of a true beta killed the game before it was launched. Enjoyed the distruction to weed out some of the camping. Like and disliked the no prone. Took a while to get used to, but adjusted eventually. Lack of demo recorder makes it a no ladder game for me, which is a shame, as it would have been a blast. Butt
The only way this is good news to me is, it puts the onus on DICE to put their money where their mouth is, and deliver the goods w/ BF3. Should make for a November to remember. Butt
Is there any way to manually submit cheaters?
buttscratcher replied to Beef3687's topic in General Discussions
^lol Sorry... Just couldn't help myself :P Butt -
Is there any way to manually submit cheaters?
buttscratcher replied to Beef3687's topic in General Discussions
Think Nick and the gang are too busy fixing the pb_ss utility, to spend much time on individual player complaints. But I could be wrong. Butt -
Sweet. Didnt you post somethinng a while back about EA comming up w/ their own anticheat, that looks for things a bit differently than EB? Having used VAC w/ Blops, I am happy to go back to PB (if theres an actual demo utility for BF3) Butt
Truth in the market? Now thats funny! How can they string people along with honesty? HMS has it about right. Butt
Very true. But in todays market, why give away for free what they can charge $15 a pop for in DLC map packs? They are all out for the greatest profit margin possible, which (if we like it or not) is the bottom line. Butt
Why can't they have some stones and tell us what the game will have and wont have? Guess the focus group hasn't finished telling them what we want? I kid... They're saving the disapointment for the last min. after the deluge of SP video snippets and screenshots has us all foaming at the mouth for new eye candy. Was thinking about Bf3 a bit after Live reminded many about the Bc2 release fiasco, and to me its shaping up to be very simular... MOH promised Bf3 beta "should" be available 12 months post moh release. That puts the Bf3 "beta" out around October 2011 right? Retail due a month later - Nov. 2011 As usual, not a beta, but a limited free trial... If this does play out like Bc2, get ready for several months of post launch aggrivation. Butt
Not sure I agree w/ the prediction, but after the months of post release beta that was Bc2, I can appreciate your perspective. I do agree 100% on the short memory view. I will reserve judgement on Bf3 till I have it loaded onto my PC and have played it myself. Will not get caught up in the bright and shiny comercials that will start up this fall. Going to get it reguardless, but I/we are a BF clan. If it blows, its going to blow. If so, EA/DICE will know they will always be second fiddle to the self absorbed killstreak whoring CoD fanboys. Then it becomes an issue of picking ones poison. A shitty Bf release, or more of the same from Activision. Yep, would like to see the actual particulars on the features Bf3 will actually have. The longer this thing goes w/out a beta, the more I start to worry about what the dev has cut from Bf2. Commander. Como, Demos, ect and will wait till the end to tell us. Keeing the hype machine turning as long as possible before disapointing the core fanbase w/ the news about what isn't going to be included in Bf3. PS. Sure was nice to run into you the other day, and nice to see you drop in @ Pbbans! We sure missed ya, and the interaction you provided customers and non-customers alike. As i said, things have changed alot since you left. Butt
Sorry to hear you guys are having issues. Really stinks to plunk down cash only to wait on fixes. As to a non-PB title, I feel ya there. Was the same for me w/ Blops. Was an adjustment for sure. Hopefully Homefront has a useable review utility. It can be a PITA to stop down your gaming enjoyment to go have a look at a suspect player, but I've caught/local banned a handful of cheaters that VAC has not. So yeah, it sucks, but it beats the alternative --> Bc2 Good luck w/ the new game. Do hope they get their ducks in a row asap, so you guys can enjoy what you paid for. Butt
Was curious. Is there a way to find out how many people got the DLC? And of those numbers, subtract the free tokens given to server renters. Not that its an accurate indicator, but about 15% of ppl on my Steam friends list got it. Butt
Ouch! Wonder whats at the root of it? Saturated fps market, or consumer base remembering issues w/ FFOW? Butt
I suppose its a good thing for small or disorganized groups that can't get their server going otherwise. Butt
^They also changed the number of players to start a match to 4, which I am not thrilled about. One other little bone Treyarch threw out to server renters was one free token per server, for access to the DLC. I wasn't going to buy it (and not running the new maps on our server) but did nab it to have a look at the new zombie map. I do alot of deserved bitching @ DICE, but at least they know how to take care of the PC side - when it comes to map packs. Butt
Agreed. Also agree to HMS about creating buzz. Same crap they all do. Did it w/ Bc2. Same w/ Blops. "Tell us what you want ... and we'll give you what we think you need." As to what I want, just want ALL the battlefield specific features the battlefield series has had. Starting w/ and A#1 on my list - Battle Recorder. I'd really have to do some deep digging to find it, but they said something to the effect on no Battle Recorder for Bc2 was - Bc2 was not a true "Battlefield" title (even though the first word in the title is battlefield - lol) so they did not add it as a game specific feature... Personally I think they bit off more than they could chew w/ distruction 1.5, but thats another topic. Just make a game that works on launch, with the features we've come to expect from the franchise (commander, como, demos, ect...) and the "community" will be more than satisfied. PS... A working VOIP system should not be too much to ask for with a retial price tag of $60? see Bc2 Butt
Guess they don't need help fixing pb_ss? Working for EB would be the second best job in America, just behind the TV weatherman. Get paid to NOT fix things. Butt
+1 Couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks Surfy. Butt
Looks good. Like the black - top & bottom on the banner. Will the sigs have the same color config? Wasn't too excited w/ the change of the sig color. It isnt very dark anymore :) If I knew more about how this stuff worked, I'd try and tinker w/ the sig color layout myself. But with my limited understanding, I'd need a paint by number kit :lol: Do like the look. Hope it helps on the page load times. Good job! Butt
A word of warning. Language gets a little salty. Content is just as bad.
Ahhh. Yeah, guess theres less control of a Steam group than a website. Makes sense. Butt
cool, never saw any post on it. At least new/more people will know its there now. EDIT: lol. By invite only? Butt
On the topic of Steam, might be a good idea to have a PBbans group page. (if there is not one already) Would be easy to get updates in the event of website problems, and ETA's on fixes. Just food for thought. Butt
Think it would be a good idea to have the option to list Steam user name below avatar (simular to xfire user name). Butt
Thats a weird deal. I've had some intermittent problems getting to their sites, while others in our group did not. Then earlier this week, a few members couldn't connect at the same time. Support said everything was 100% fine on their end. By the looks of your SS, apparently theres something up. At least I don't feel like the lone ranger on that one anymore - good to know... Was going crazy trying to figure it out. My ISP discovered a secondary issue on my end, but thats been fixed. But, when it come to websites with issues that need ironed out, they are not alone. ;) Whatever turns out to be the cause, its not effected our server. I am sure they'll get it sorted. Butt