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[COD MW2] No dedicated servers or PB

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Wanted to test the media bbcode too :P


ROFL....That is true. If IW can't even keep their site online, then that is what will happen with the IW-Net as well. LOL


Game looks like a noob fest. Who needs hacks when weapons and killstreak perks provides the "esp" :P


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Game looks like a noob fest. Who needs hacks when weapons and killstreak perks provides the "esp" :P


Aha! So that's IW's strategy for controlling hackers!

Give everybody built-in hacks!

Therefore, no need for an anti-cheat system or admins!



NOT! :rolleyes:


Game looks like a noob fest. Who needs hacks when weapons and killstreak perks provides the "esp" :P

Wow, no recoil hack too.


ROFL....That is true. If IW can't even keep their site online, then that is what will happen with the IW-Net as well. LOL

Looks like a video edit to me to "simulate" the PC gameplay. Source material is here:


As already said, it looks like a complete noob fest. No wonder they're not bothered about losing PC sales, this game was created solely for the console crowd. When this game is released, expect the share prices for Crayola to rise sharply.


I'm shocked at how many ideas they've ripped off from other peoples hard work. One of the sounds in there sounds like it was ripped straight from Half Life 2, some of the killstreak ideas were pinched from a COD4 mod. Every time I see that gun with a lifesigns detector on it I think of the film 'Aliens'.


I'm going to be watching the reviews for this game very carefully. I wonder if any of them will give the multiplayer component of the PC version a positive review. If they do, it will most definitely be a 'hand over the bag with a big dollar sign on it' situation <_<


Funny thing about this, (or not) is console gamers I know don't even have a clue about all this going on. Even some of the PC gamers I know don't seem to be that bothered by it.


Like so many have said before, at the end of the day all that Activion and IW want is cash. For every person that doesn't buy it there's probably going to be another 5 "popcorn" players chomping at the bit for this release, ignorant of its shortfalls and just wanting to spend the next few weeks/months playing the Michael Bay of games. Dumbed down, action filled, no content.


The game might not be appealing to the old fans, but I have a feeling it will get new ones! Time will tell.

I'm going to be watching the reviews for this game very carefully. I wonder if any of them will give the multiplayer component of the PC version a positive review. If they do, it will most definitely be a 'hand over the bag with a big dollar sign on it' situation <_>


Most reviews are based on single player.

Here's a list of Modern Warfare 2 Reviews: The Guradian - 5/5 || The Telegraph - 10/10 || 4players.de - 88% || GamePro.de - 93% || Gaming Bolt 10/10 || JustPushStart - 4.5/5 || GamesonSmash - 4.5/5 || || Videogamezone - 91/100 || wearetheinternetz - No Score || Soft Sailor - No score. Yeah, everyone is saying the same thing: this game rocks.
Now for the good stuff; multiplayer. Multiplayer for Call of Duty 4 is mostly what made it so popular and in Modern Warfare 2 it gets even better. The addition of many killstreaks and having the ability to customize which ones you want ,with a max of 3 available at once, is where this game's multiplayer action really differs from Call of Duty 4. Even in objective modes like Search and Destroy, you can gain killstreaks throughout the course of many rounds, granted you don't die at the end of the round. And if you try using you stealth class from Call of Duty 4 or World at War in this game you might not be safe with the addition of Heartbeat sensors as an attachment to certain weapons which detect movement. Of course there is a perk to counter that though. Many perks from Call of Duty 4 have been made into attachments or equipment. There are many additions to the game that will really let you personalize your class to your liking, much more so than the previous Call of Duty games. I saw a lot of people running around with many different class setups instead of seeing everyone with the same 5 as in the other games. You can now unlock titles and emblems for yourself that show up in game. Modern Warfare 2 has added more modes as well. Here are the new additions to the game:




And all the things we predicted are coming true


Games graphics is awsome.


Online is shit for me so far.


Its the same setup as Xbox360.... right down to no ping just the 5 green bar strenght level crap....


Have tried to play 15 games only played 3 so far..


Host quits , Time outs , Host quits during game , players quit before timer finishes and start wait all over again... blah blah....



Gonna try and play again..


Good luck to others.








Hmmm...Read this article:




Thanks to those pre-sales the game could sell as many as 5 million copies in its first day — $300 million dollars in retail sales. That would be more than any other single entertainment product has ever sold in a single day, far bigger than any movie's first day box office gross.




I've been laughing at this all afternoon tbh.


IWNET.. supposedly makes the multiplayer experience simpler and more accessible for everyone.. straight out of the box.


Apparently, for the novice user, Infinity Ward thinks that understanding NAT and configuring your router to forward a port is far simpler than looking at a server listing and clicking 'join game' :lol:




Hehe, excellent B)


Game looks like a noob fest. Who needs hacks when weapons and killstreak perks provides the "esp" :P



WTF, they actually made a copyright claim against that video... poor losers? :P :lol:

Posted (edited)

This is interesting, This was on the home page of foxnews.com




However the link doesnt work




Ahhh..this link works though..




Wierd..dont click the link, copy and paste all of it

Edited by .:EvL:.RedKilla

I'm not going to click that, seeing as FOX News is the "Daily Mail" of the USA :P


I'll agree with some critics that what I have seen of the "terrorist" scene was clumsily done.


Ninja edit: I am most likely going to pick up a copy at some point, probably purchasing on steam. The whole "boycott" and petition thing isn't going to change an awful lot - P2P MP in PC games is most likely going to become the norm. Even ID Software is going with P2P MP in their new game, "Rage". Who knows, if you have a decent connection and don't bother with clans/leagues - IWNet may not be that bad. *shrugs*

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