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  On 4/7/2011 at 4:26 AM, Live said:

Same engine as BC2 and MOH = lag, lag, lag


I never had any lag in BC2 so...

  On 4/7/2011 at 3:28 PM, Piggy said:

I never had any lag in BC2 so...



My experiences with lag were few and far between and those were mostly due to my own ISP

  On 4/7/2011 at 4:18 PM, injuneer said:

My experiences with lag were few and far between and those were mostly due to my own ISP


Agree with you, for me BC2 is a nice game and a good replacement for BF2.

I hope BF3 will be a mixture of both.

  On 4/7/2011 at 7:04 AM, SuperTaz said:

Welcome back, Live. :)



Thanks, been awhile I know! :)


  On 4/7/2011 at 3:28 PM, Piggy said:

I never had any lag in BC2 so...



Your part of a very exclusive group. I almost never had lag as a provider nor as a player until the mid 20's server patch and it went gangbuster from there for all providers from the correspondence between everyone. Sadly I already envision the massive failure BF3 since so many are talking it up (DICE and EA included) just the same as BC2 went. Not six months ago the majority on these forums were outright bashing BC2 left and right. Amazing what short memory quite a few have. :eek:



  On 4/7/2011 at 4:18 PM, injuneer said:

My experiences with lag were few and far between and those were mostly due to my own ISP



Again, you may have been one of the lucky ones but I know as your previous provider that some within your group had issues and big ones at that. I rarely had issues until around July/August of 2010 and things quickly went sour from there for myself personally. I have a great rig, great ISP, and of course, great servers at the time but still managed to lag like mad. :scratchchin: I just hope those of you who are hyping this up don't get yourself too involved in the propaganda and find this to be another let down.


I think its kinda nice to see some people enthusiastic about an upcoming game. Forums sometimes become a haven of negativity. I'll reserve judgement until I play it.


Lag issues on BC2.. I've seen myself how a PC upgrade brought my husbands ping down by 50. (lucky git). I've also noticed running any apps (even offline apps) whilst running bc2 adds to your ping.


Anyway I just wanna see some mp footage now of BF3 and then I wanna damn well play it! I'm betting the 12 min reveal is all sp though :|

Posted (edited)
  On 4/7/2011 at 5:48 PM, Live said:


Sadly I already envision the massive failure BF3 since so many are talking it up (DICE and EA included) just the same as BC2 went. Not six months ago the majority on these forums were outright bashing BC2 left and right. Amazing what short memory quite a few have. :eek:

Not sure I agree w/ the prediction, but after the months of post release beta that was Bc2, I can appreciate your perspective. I do agree 100% on the short memory view. I will reserve judgement on Bf3 till I have it loaded onto my PC and have played it myself. Will not get caught up in the bright and shiny comercials that will start up this fall. Going to get it reguardless, but I/we are a BF clan. If it blows, its going to blow. If so, EA/DICE will know they will always be second fiddle to the self absorbed killstreak whoring CoD fanboys. Then it becomes an issue of picking ones poison. A shitty Bf release, or more of the same from Activision.


  On 4/7/2011 at 5:48 PM, Live said:



I just hope those of you who are hyping this up don't get yourself too involved in the propaganda and find this to be another let down.


Yep, would like to see the actual particulars on the features Bf3 will actually have. The longer this thing goes w/out a beta, the more I start to worry about what the dev has cut from Bf2. Commander. Como, Demos, ect and will wait till the end to tell us. Keeing the hype machine turning as long as possible before disapointing the core fanbase w/ the news about what isn't going to be included in Bf3.





PS. Sure was nice to run into you the other day, and nice to see you drop in @ Pbbans! We sure missed ya, and the interaction you provided customers and non-customers alike. As i said, things have changed alot since you left.







Edited by buttscratcher

Surfy, I have to agree with you 100%. There's still an underlying issue though with the frostbite engine and the setup for BC2 though that has an effect that has nothing to do with the end user. It lies somewhere in between and has been talked about in the BC2 forums by DICE themselves on occassion.



Butt, I hear ya and I loved BF2 as well and got into it late which is/was a shame. I really do hope that BF3 is the updated BF2 that we're all hoping for but I've chosen to be the negative turd this time around so I'm not getting let down. :rolleyes: On a happier note, it was awesome to run into you on your server and start seeing and chatting with friends again.



Got a resounding notion in the back of my mind to start up a non-profit GSP (community without being a clan) and being able to host everything from most games to most voips in locations all around the world. I miss helping peeps out but I don't want to work for some company that don't care (which is more than do care) and don't want to run another for profit company and tie myself down. This has been something that I was going to do with LPGS originally. Hoping something along this line would help out a great many plus communities like this. I'll bring this up in it's own thread though so as to not derail this one.








I believe BF3 will be fun enough to play. No doubt there will be issues, but they kept the patches coming for BC2, so I'm not too worried about that. I do think that it won't be any more PC-centric, feature wise at least, than BC2 is. I don't hold my breath anymore for the AAA titles. The hype machines keep grinding out the "ZOMG's", but the games are generally pretty flaccid. I'm sure I'll buy it and spend at least a year having some good times and lot's of rage quits with it. I will say this. If Dice was smart, they would release another map pack for BC2, just to keep people into the BF name until BF3 releases. But, what do I know?


Not surprising news but on the PC side looks like no server files again like BF Heroes, BC2, MoH, BF P4F and Crysis 2 (All EA games now?).


It looks awesome. if you could make a game out of Black Hawk Down, it would look like this.


So, specific answers. Yes there is an extensive singleplayer campaign. Its developed with the Frostbite2 engine and it was developed for the PC. The xbox version has been scrunched down. In fact one of the techs was telling me that when they first tried it on 360, it would barely render a single player object before optimization. Snipers are in it but i didnt get to see any play as them.


There is regenerating health like Halo.


Here's the shocker.... no dedicated LAN support. The lan has to have connection out to the interweb. He said would you be able to rent dedicated servers, "like before" ... which i hope makes sense to you.

I asked about commander mode and they all clammed up and wouldnt say anything. I doubt you will see it as one head guy did say "it was only 2 out of 128 people, its a lot of work for that"... but i expect some new tactical and strategic elements to MP because there was something they weren't telling us.


They wouldn't say a lot about MP and certainly wouldn't answer questions about mods squads, mostly they wanted to show off the pretty pictures which were... in fairness... pretty.


There was one thing I loved, their destruction physics are amazing, you can tear down a 5 story hotel to the ground, to rubble, or you can blow about a 1/6th of a breeze block away from a wall to get a shot or to reveal an enemy in cover.


  On 4/9/2011 at 10:16 PM, MaydaX said:

It looks awesome. if you could make a game out of Black Hawk Down, it would look like this.


So, specific answers. Yes there is an extensive singleplayer campaign. Its developed with the Frostbite2 engine and it was developed for the PC. The xbox version has been scrunched down. In fact one of the techs was telling me that when they first tried it on 360, it would barely render a single player object before optimization. Snipers are in it but i didnt get to see any play as them.


Here's the shocker... no didicated LAN support. The lan has to have connection out to the interweb. He said you would be able to rent dedicated servers, "like before".... which I hops makes sense to you.


I asked about commander mode and they all clammed up and wouldnt say anything. I doubt you will see it as one head guy did say "it was only 2 out of 128 people, its a lot of work for that"... but I expect some new tactical and strategic elements to MP because there was something they weren't telling us.


They wouldn't say a lot about MP and certainly wouldn't answer questions about mods squads, mostly they wanted to show off the pretty pictures which were... in fairness... pretty.


There was one thing I loved, their destruction physics are amazing, you can tear down a 5 story hotel to the ground, to rubble, or you can blow about a 1/6th of a breeze block away from a wall to get a shot or to reveal an enemy in cover.

Why can't they have some stones and tell us what the game will have and wont have? Guess the focus group hasn't finished telling them what we want? I kid... They're saving the disapointment for the last min. after the deluge of SP video snippets and screenshots has us all foaming at the mouth for new eye candy.



Was thinking about Bf3 a bit after Live reminded many about the Bc2 release fiasco, and to me its shaping up to be very simular... MOH promised Bf3 beta "should" be available 12 months post moh release. That puts the Bf3 "beta" out around October 2011 right? Retail due a month later - Nov. 2011


As usual, not a beta, but a limited free trial... If this does play out like Bc2, get ready for several months of post launch aggrivation.







Posted (edited)
  On 4/10/2011 at 1:02 PM, buttscratcher said:

Why can't they have some stones and tell us what the game will have and wont have? Guess the focus group hasn't finished telling them what we want? I kid... They're saving the disapointment for the last min. after the deluge of SP video snippets and screenshots has us all foaming at the mouth for new eye candy.



Was thinking about Bf3 a bit after Live reminded many about the Bc2 release fiasco, and to me its shaping up to be very simular... MOH promised Bf3 beta "should" be available 12 months post moh release. That puts the Bf3 "beta" out around October 2011 right? Retail due a month later - Nov. 2011


As usual, not a beta, but a limited free trial... If this does play out like Bc2, get ready for several months of post launch aggrivation.








Think I read somewhere that Bach said they aren't giving any details on MP, since they are changing things about every-day... hopefully for the good.

Edited by Jaythegreat1
DICE believes the once-popular practice of "modding" games – whereby amateur hobbyists take a published game and use tools provided by the developer to modify it into a new experience for players – is on the way out. "Modding is a declining trend actually," said Patrick Bach, the executive producer on Battlefield 3, in an interview with Gameplanet. "It's sad to say. We've seen some cool mods but since games are getting more complicated to build, it's also getting more complicated to mod them, so it's a declining trend as we see it. Sad but true."


Bach would not be drawn on whether Battlefield 3 will include any tools for modding: "We don't have any information on that right now, at all."


Various mods have been released for previous games in DICE's Battlefield series, such as the Desert Combat modern warfare mod for Battlefield 1942.


Modding grew to prominence in the age of id Software's Quake in the mid '90s. Quake was readily modifiable and spawned many popular mods including Team Fortress and Rocket Arena. The popularity of mods peaked with the Counter-Strike mod for Half-Life, which was later acquired by Valve.


Once lauded as an avenue of growth, creativity and innovation in the games industry, modding's star has waned as more of the business has drifted away from PCs and onto console platforms, which have no modding capability.





  On 4/13/2011 at 7:08 PM, MaydaX said:



It's a declining trend because they stopped giving the tools to do it. Some of the mods that have been created were better than the actual game. Sad that Devs think they are smarter than everyone else and no one can figure out how to use mod tools.

  • Upvote 3
  On 4/13/2011 at 7:14 PM, injuneer said:

It's a declining trend because they stopped giving the tools to do it. Some of the mods that have been created were better than the actual game. Sad that Devs think they are smarter than everyone else and no one can figure out how to use mod tools.




Very true. But in todays market, why give away for free what they can charge $15 a pop for in DLC map packs?


They are all out for the greatest profit margin possible, which (if we like it or not) is the bottom line.






  On 4/13/2011 at 7:28 PM, buttscratcher said:

Very true. But in todays market, why give away for free what they can charge $15 a pop for in DLC map packs?


They are all out for the greatest profit margin possible, which (if we like it or not) is the bottom line.








That's fine, but don't just claim that it's just a declining trend. Just say "we can make more money doing it ourselves".

  • Upvote 3

+1, +1. Game devs are basically failed procedural programmers who think their user base are about as dumb as they are. Their holier than thou attitude stinks.

  • Upvote 2

It's all about paid DLC.Why give tools to make free content when you can make your own and slap a price tag on it. Notice there are no mod tools for CoDBO yet. I'm betting they won't be released until sometime after the last paid map pack. Also people are more willing to buy the next game if they are bored with the current one.


An 11 and 7 year old game which has public server files, a map editor, mod tools and still updated remain on top.


Current Peak Game

63,242 73,122 Counter-Strike

58,607 67,525 Counter-Strike: Source

30,371 37,093 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Multiplayer

27,707 N/A Bad Company 2 (From Master Server)

26,756 26,756 Football Manager 2011

26,088 29,489 Call of Duty Black Ops - Multiplayer

14,538 15,046 Team Fortress 2

13,756 14,937 Total War SHOGUN 2

13,448 N/A Call of Duty 4 (From Master Server)

10,753 11,227 Left 4 Dead 2


Editing Tools: Portal 2 editing tools will be included. Note: To be made available after launch



"we found if we don't release modding tools more people buy our map packs." found buried amongst the failspin

  On 4/13/2011 at 7:33 PM, injuneer said:

That's fine, but don't just claim that it's just a declining trend. Just say "we can make more money doing it ourselves".

Truth in the market? Now thats funny!


How can they string people along with honesty? HMS has it about right.






TripwireYoshiro Tripwire Interactive So, word around the internets is that modding is on the decline? News to us. RO and Killing Floor modding communities are going strong!



and not to be left out




pcdev pcdev News: We are shooting for mod tools release in May. #codblackops #pc



gotta love when someone has foot in mouth disease

  On 4/15/2011 at 10:29 AM, surfy said:

http://uk.pc.ign.com/articles/116/1161565p1.html Someone posted this article up on another forum I use. You may agree or disagree with points made but I just thought it was worth a quick read :P


Good read Surfy.


Is it time for developer DICE to take back the modern combat genre that it arguably popularised?


I think they should change that last word to saturated, a lot of FPS's are now looking and playing alike with just a few variations in storyline or weapons.


BF2 has and always will be the defining game for me as an innovative FPS. The squad comma rose was just fantastic to use, simple design yet it added a nice element to the game and provided the possibility of 'leading from the front' with the basic commands.


I have played COD4 MW but I refuse to buy MW2 and Black Ops. Greedyvision will continue pushing the same old scenarios we've seen many times and I think that will be their downfall.


Sadly, Medal of Honour finished for me as a player with their last game.


I hope BF3 will regain the crown, DICE have the opportunity to make something special and if they do I think it will be the best FPS ever released :D


I'm kinda disappointed in the choice of marketing from DICE and EA. Starting to sound like politics with direct digs at the competition and self praise. The more comments I read, the more of a cocky attitude I see portrayed. I seen a lot of people like that in CAL and I had little to no respect for them.


Bachs comment on modding reminds me of the "not balanced for lean" crap IW did for MW2. Just tell the truth that they don't want to put the time in to make mod tools instead of blaming it on something else.

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