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[COD MW2] No dedicated servers or PB

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Man IW really needs to proof read their PC code after copy & pasting from the xbox code.



I had to up the rep on that...that's just epic-fail beyond stupid on their part. Nevermind that they botched the game to begin with. To insult the PC-gamer with an Xbox error is just beyond it all. Perhaps they need to hire a better proof-reader.... :blink: :huh:


I had to up the rep on that...that's just epic-fail beyond stupid on their part. Nevermind that they botched the game to begin with. To insult the PC-gamer with an Xbox error is just beyond it all. Perhaps they need to hire a better proof-reader.... :blink: :huh:

Well, karma I suppose. I hope this ends in an epic fail for those that purchased the game and those that signed a petition and yet purchased the game. My opinion means nothing and so as not to insult those that did go ahead and get the game I will offer no further comments.

  • Upvote 1

/me wonders why all this fuss, irrelevant details spam about a non-pb game that will just take a little more time to die than comparable "releases", that only down to the size of the pissed off community; its just another modern game with crippled mp, so bear it resignedly and buy it ... [at least if you have a grip to the cod sucks! series - just cause there was a slip-upwards, well, left aside the sad mess the implementation is, for better chances to end up with a unique guid rather google a cod4-key than buy one] ... play it ... bury it. After that start to consider if there might be a game worth playing twice within ... say ... less than 10 years, i.e. that is not just another piece of consumer junk, i.e. more than another box in the shelf 2-3 days later. The only silver lining on the horizon was a browser based free game :S mainly just because it came without a damn SP, just i'm done with it cause i've played the exact same game 10 years ago already ... when it was new ;P When groundbreaking Quake 3 Arena was released, all Critics had to do was moaning it didn't have "a Story". Result (really?): see above, Critics will continue to play stupid game's SP solely, on consoles ofc (and i reckon watching Pron with "a Story"), along with a billion chinese kids possibly. So don't be old fashioned and join in: "200 billion flies cant be wrong! eat shit!" Though i wonder if this really can be the point, the ridiculous bias for "enjoyable" (yeah right ... Bah! waste of time and 25GB HD space), "awesome", etc. BS SinglePlayer, ofc with the inevitable "awesome graphics", leave me alone it was all new here, i have eyes to see, at the latest when it comes to MP you are back to the usual Grey brown greenish (lights off for a change) "bit more of reality" rubbish seen 10.000 times before since cod0 or whatever, its all the same boring jizz. Q3 had factor 0.5 less textures resolution maybe, just what it had was: factor 2.7*103 more fantasy. But that is history.


Well, karma I suppose. I hope this ends in an epic fail for those that purchased the game and those that signed a petition and yet purchased the game. My opinion means nothing and so as not to insult those that did go ahead and get the game I will offer no further comments.


Just an FYI, the big petition never mentioned the word boycott.

  • Upvote 2

Just an FYI, the big petition never mentioned the word boycott.

And even if it did or didn't, those that committed still did not live up to their statements. Boycott or not; many of our members that stated they would not purchase the game went ahead and did so. I will be moving out of the hosting position due to health reasons but I still stand by my decisions and convictions. A movement was started and it was a good attempt. I am well past the 40 plus era and have little time for what I see as childish behavior and mentality. Whether here or in our community; We will agree to disagree. I will not under any circumstance purchase this game; For those that do it is your prerogative to do so and I will not speak further..


I got it for cheap so it was worth trying. Plus I can now give my experience and hope it educates others. I never played a P2P based FPS so IW asked us to try it and I did. After playing it I must say ... NEVER again. People trusted IW and bought it without reading the REAL reviews. They look at reviews at places like IGN and see 9.5 then run out to buy it. The only reason I see MW2 being so popular now is because if the rank system. MW2 just proves my point that rank in FPS games today is used to cover the games flaws in a hope to keep players playing the games.


I find MW2 at times is more like Counter Strike with laggy hitboxes where you kill people by shooting the air behind them. Some say the system is fine but I'm willing to bet they live in or near a city or highly populated area with large numbers of MW2 players. Because I live farther away I spend more time in the lobby, more lag, more disconnects, ect. When the player count dies off, IWNet will only get worse for people like me.


The host DOES have an advantage. I was the host a few times and it was just like playing MW1 for hitboxes. Every shot hit the mark. Then there is the IRC like problem of Netsplit. This is where the match is about to start or started and one team gets booted. I've seen it in a 8v8 and the entire team was booted. What does IWNet do? It ends the game because it doesn't have autobalance and the change team function is disabled. I've also noticed people don't join while in game but instead at intermission.


And the 18 players max, well that is for one game type only. Rest are 12 max and some are 8 max. Maps in MW2 are bigger than MW1 so I find myself running (Yes unlimited sprint perk) around trying to find people a lot in TDM. With that the camping is bad, all they do now is hide with heartbeat sensors and see you coming. I was so bored last night I went back to a 40 slot MW1 server where I played 3 maps and they were all more fun then my entire experience with MW2.


I tried it and I dislike it. If anything MW2 just shows me how much I love MW1.

  • Upvote 3

Great first-hand review MaydaX!


I admit I considered buying the game for the same reasons that you did - to try it and judge for myself. Also, as a moderator on a popular Call of Duty forum, I could then educate other people there. But, I just couldn't bring myself to do it and give IW/Activision another dime!!!


Now, I don't have to, you've done it for me!



btw - I've posted your review on the forum. Normally, I credit the original poster with anything I re-post on my forum. In this case, I left your name out, in case you didn't want the "credit". I just stated that it was from a "well-respected PC gamer". If you rather I credit you, just let me know.


p.s. I hope you didn't pay more than a couple of bucks for it! :P


The more I read on other's experience in the online side of the game, the more I think this will be a popular item to sell at that first garage sale come spring......


If MW2 is re-sold, can the new owner play MP, or only SP, or neither?

I've read that since the game has to be registered on Steam, only the original registered owner can use it. I dunno whether that is true or not...


Yes its true once a game is registered with steam only that person can use it.


Keys are tied to the steam account they are registered to no matter if it's retail or digital download. Basicly once you buy it that's it. You would have to sell your steam account but valve could void it you are found selling it.


You may not sell or charge others for the right to use your Account, or otherwise transfer your Account.




The more I play it, the more annoyed I am getting... :mellow:


This game isn't going to last long, I'll wager.


I'm back playing cod4 off and on now cause MW2 just isn't the same, it's getting more and more annoying. I call it a game for the people who sucked at cod4 :P


This is what I see a lot:


Posted (edited)

Yes its true once a game is registered with steam only that person can use it.

Keys are tied to the steam account they are registered to no matter if it's retail or digital download. Basicly once you buy it that's it. You would have to sell your steam account but valve could void it you are found selling it.


Bummer! Since there is no way in hell I'm gonna buy this game for the multiplayer, I originally thought I could wait until a dissatisfied person wanted to sell it and I could buy it cheap just for the single player, and not give any more money to IW/Activision. :P


I do have a Steam account from the Half-Life days, but it appears that the game is not transferable, from what you folks have said/confirmed.

Thanks for the replies!


Oh well, no big loss..... :rolleyes:



Remember how IWNet was a system to stop piracy? Well it failed. A new MP crack just came out and it allows the user to play on IWNet with legit owners.

lol - Well, I wouldn't use the crack anyway. I have no interest in playing the MP.

But, thanks for the info - gave me a chuckle... :lol:

Edited by CosmicBlue

Guess we now know why the console is disabled. To prevent the server / host from enabling the built in cheats



That looks more fun than any regular game in MW2 LOL


So much for IW's dream of "balance"

Posted (edited)

I agree the game probably won't last to long, and i have pointed out alot of this peer to peer stuff on my website's home page www.luckyassgrenades.com i took apart what they claimed and dissected it to show the truth behind it. Some of my clan members have bought it and only like it somewhat cause it is different than cod 4 but it's not gonna replace cod 4 for them.

Edited by BADmfg

I have played some MP now, :unsure: kinda seems really imbalanced, if one person dominates the game, he will continue to dominate. Also really not liking Riot Sheilds.

Every copy of the console version of Modern Warfare 2 has been recalled from stores in Russia due to the content of the

So much for getting the point across with a boycott. I know lots were looking forward to the game. I was too. I guess my convictions to follow through with taking a stand for something are perhaps different than others' though. I have not, and will not be buying the game, if for no other reason than a matter of principle. Inevitably, though, even those here that reneged on that idea helped IW's cause and not their own, the grand scheme of things says that for every die-hard PC gamer that didn't buy the game, there's 1000 other people out there who could care less about dedicated servers. It's all about this year's eye-candy/most anticipated game to them. If it ends up on the shelf due to it being crap for online play, it'll simply get replaced with something else next month. That's the cycle of life, when it comes to hype. I hope all those that did buy it, enjoy it.



Well said RoadWarrior, seems you spoke out my mind.


Numbers are talking the truth, regardless opinions of some individuals, it will not change the situation. I truely hope bfbc2 will somehow turn into a better scenario for us traditional outnumbered group of players.


This sums it up. Sad part is, the MW2 part is what happens to me during non peak hours


  • Upvote 1

I have had issues here and there - but never to the extent of what is shown in that video.


The video is BS to be frank. The Steam servers had some issues yesterday which messed up MP for quite some time. The video was uploaded yesterday.


This is one of the reasons I actually bought the game - so many of these videos and forum posts that are made by "PC community members" are actually full of shite and do not accurately reflect the current state of the game.


The majority of posts on the IW forum are immature rants and whining, rather than well thought out criticisms of the product. This is exactly why developers and publishers are turning away from the PC, and exactly why the IW PC forums have no responses whatsoever from devs in them. Sometimes the community isn't worth the time and effort put into it. More trolls and children than anyone with anything of value to say.

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