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[COD MW2] No dedicated servers or PB

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The video is BS to be frank. The Steam servers had some issues yesterday which messed up MP for quite some time. The video was uploaded yesterday.


Actually it's not. I get that a lot when the player count is lower. Usually takes 120ms+ before it kicks in then it drops them. People who live in heavy populated areas usually say they have no problems.

  • Upvote 1

Actually it's not. I get that a lot when the player count is lower. Usually takes 120ms+ before it kicks in then it drops them. People who live in heavy populated areas usually say they have no problems.


Yes, perhaps it is somewhat naive of me to assume that it is smooth sailing for everyone.


Still though, I believe that they have done a better job with IWNet for most than what people expected.


Yes, perhaps it is somewhat naive of me to assume that it is smooth sailing for everyone.


Still though, I believe that they have done a better job with IWNet for most than what people expected.


Population Density


This might show a bit of the difference in why some people end up having more issues finding a good game/connectivity. MaydaX, like myself, lives in Canada. We're only 228th in the world for population density(ppl per square km) and those figures, while old(chart is 2006 or something like that) it's still fairly relevant. The other issue to note, is distance between us, not just how many of us there are, in a given area. For example, I can take the entire UK and shove it into my one single province a good 3-4 times over. For people who living in metropolis-sized cities, finding a decent connection won't be an issue. For someone who lives in a small town outside of even a relatively average-sized city, they're not gonna have such good luck, unless every single kid in town bought the game, and they're all on at the same time. Factor in, and while I'm not sure if the US is structured the same way, in Canada, major cities get high-speed cable, towns outside of, and further away still, only have, at best, adsl/dsl connections via the phone lines, and with a much slower upload speed. There are also fairly limited choices as to providers, by region, here. Where I live, for example, you've only got the one cable company, or the one phone company, and again, only if you live in a major city.


IW:Net, while it may function, was definitely not designed to work properly with that given scenario. It will work relatively well in highly populated areas, where-as, dedicated servers work better for the whole demographic, not just a part of it.


I found this on the IW forums - it echoes my sentiments exactly:


Dear Infinity Ward,


First of all, I would like to thank you for doing what you have done as a developer. You have made a slew of excellent first-person shooters that I played with much pleasure over the years. They have shaped the way games are developed and have been the games of choice for many PC gamers. In this 'thank you' I express as much appreciation as I possibly can. However, this thanks does not come by way of a 'keep up the good work, thanks a bunch.' Indeed, I feel it should be noted that it is meant more as a 'you've had a great run, and should remembered for it.'


I will not lie, I bought your game. I paid the heinous $60 dollars because I trusted you. I heard all of the buzz about the dedicated servers but I figured you knew what you were doing. And I have to say that I wasn't completely wrong. Your new game is a lot of fun. I have spent a lot of time playing it, and will continue to do so. But, I have recently come to a realization that irks me. It irks me doubly so, because you have charged me $10 more something that is worth $10 less. I am getting ahead of myself, so let me just express what I must as clearly as possible, and then I will get back to your obvious retaliation against a community that supports you.


IWNet, your solution to a problem that never truly existed, is broken. Not because it doesn't work (well, for some it doesn't... Aussies have to pay extra for this too, shouldn't they be guaranteed a functional multiplayer experience?!?), but because it doesn't work for me, as a gamer. Living in a decently sized American city means that I really don't have too much trouble joining a game. I can get on and play relatively lag-free. That all sounds great right? Why am I complaining? Well, the answer requires some explanation.


My game of choice for quite a while - along with many other PC gamers - has been Counter-Strike: Source. I would like to note here that CS:S has been around for over five years, yet it's community is just as strong as it has ever been. Anytime of day someone can find hundreds of populated servers no matter where they live. And right now it's only $20... O.O.


There is a server on CS:S that I always play in. It's a 5v5 dust2 server based out of my own city. I play there just about every time I am on CS, and I am not the only one to do so. And because of that, I play with a lot of the same people. They know who I am, and I know who they are. We are friends on steam. We join each other when we see another playing. We chat when we aren't in a game.


I have been playing Modern Warfare 2 an obscene amount this past week. The unlockables and what-not are a great motivator for wanting to stay in the action. But soon after I started playing I came to the realization that I deeply regretted spending $60 on your game. I didn't exactly know why... After all, I was having fun. Now it has dawned on me: I knew that I would start getting bored with your game. Why? There are tons of things to unlock and then there's prestige mode, etc.


But I realized that it was because, even after all the time I had spent on this game, I had not met a single person that I consistently played with. I just kept going from match to match playing totally random people only to never see them again. It was when I discovered this that I knew any chance your game had of developing a community I would want to be a part of and stay a part of was completely destroyed.


Now, other flaws become apparent. Why must I play the maps I don't like when the people in my lobby refuse to voteskip them? Why can't I type-chat in a lobby, during the overly-extended amount of time between rounds? At least then I would be able to meet the people I am playing the game with and friend those I find humorous, or skilled, or friendly in general.


The answer to these questions and those unasked but understood (there is a slew of them already iterated hundreds of times in this forum that I feel no need to repeat here) is this: you, the great Infinity Ward, are catering to the mindless half-wits that have destroyed what gaming used to be. I am talking about people who are willing to pay $60 for meager hours of fleeting entertainment. Console gamers... People that find a server browser CONFUSING! People who don't give a rat's ass about being a part of a community, and finding friends in an online game. And you did this because you knew those people had the cash and weren't smart enough to say no.


Well, I certainly feel ashamed, because I fell for it too. The difference is those people will be satisfied by their experience and I will not. I am not. I spent $60 dollars on your game... And I wholeheartedly regret it.


Which begs me to question, why did you charge $60? Surely, it wasn't for the substantial content... A four hour campaign, stock co-op games pulled nearly scene for scene out of said campaign (some that I played were interesting and fun, albeit short lived... credit is due for that, I admit), and multiplayer with limited features compared to other PC multiplayer games? No, it wasn't for content, and it wasn't for maintaining servers either (we all know why, after all)... It was to get back at us, the PC gaming community.


To get back at us for pirating Modern Warfare 1, and cheating on our dedicated servers (which apparently upset some simple folk who had money that you dearly desired... that's why you took those dedicated servers away from us, right?). Well, I have news for you, IW: I paid for Modern Warfare 1 (twice actually, on Xbox AND PC), and I never hacked... And I am the one who feels cheated now.


Your lack of trust to the PC community is evidence of your lack of respect for us. You would rather make mindless fools 'happy' by giving them a $60 pill that's easy to swallow than giving your real support the tools necessary to make a lasting and impacting gaming experience for EVERYONE. And you don't give a damn that in 6 months the Modern Warfare 2 online community will be desolate as a desert - because no one made any friends, and no one made any cool mods, and no one had awesome servers where gamers met each other and built a community - because we already gave you our $60 and that's all you cared for.


Thank you, Infinity Ward, for the great games you have made in the past. Now I bid you farewell. I will not be purchasing your next game, of that you can be certain. And I will finish playing Modern Warfare 2, only to eventually delete it from my drive and never play it again. I should have pirated it... Maybe then I would actually enjoy it, instead of being constantly reminded of gaming's steady decline and my own ill-placed funds every time I play a match.


And to those who agree, I would greatly appreciate you saying so on this forum. We can be certain this post won't last for long before being deleted, so please state your mind.


That is all,




  • Upvote 4

Give that guy a freaking medal, goddam I couldn't word it better myself.


Well said Piggy



The majority of posts on the IW forum are immature rants and whining, rather than well thought out criticisms of the product. This is exactly why developers and publishers are turning away from the PC



Remember that only the PC version has advanced features like text chat. If you gave every xBox owner a keyboard as well it would prob be a bit more balanced, I fail to believe that PC gamers are less mature than xBox gamers. We just have higher standards.


Its ashame how unlock systems are now used to give longevity to a game, instead of just making a good game players will want to keep coming back to.


Framework Error

Please check the Kohana documentation for information about the following error.

/system/core/Kohana.php [554]:

The log directory is not writable: /var/www/2009/html/registration/application/logs

Loaded in {execution_time} seconds, using {memory_usage} of memory. Generated by Kohana v{kohana_version}.

Might their HDD be full? O.o


Remember that only the PC version has advanced features like text chat. If you gave every xBox owner a keyboard as well it would prob be a bit more balanced, I fail to believe that PC gamers are less mature than xBox gamers. We just have higher standards.


Its ashame how unlock systems are now used to give longevity to a game, instead of just making a good game players will want to keep coming back to.


I agree completely - but if you read through the IW forums (when they are up), the large majority of posts just contain things like "F*** IW" and "I hope Bobby Kotick dies" and not forgetting "402 can **** my **** in his ****". Of course they are going to ignore the criticism when it is written like that - and that's why we get categorised as whiney nerds. :(


The people that post like that are of course a minority segment of the community - it is just unfortunate that they are the most vocal. It just gives fuel to people who like to stereotype us as a community and only serves to damage our credibility with things like the petition. I think it would have been taken much more seriously if people hadn't posted things like "LOL i signed liek 12 times" or signed with names like "402 is a *******" and "MW2 suxx0rz".


Of course it is wishful thinking that an online petition gets taken seriously in the first place, but you have to agree that there are a core of people in the PC community who put forward what they want in a wholly inappropriate way - thus damaging our reputation and credibility as a whole.

Its ashame how unlock systems are now used to give longevity to a game, instead of just making a good game players will want to keep coming back to.


BF2 started the trend and now games use it to cover up bad gameplay and/or bugs. I remember when BF2 was interesting for me but after the ranks lost its appeal I stopped playing. MW2 is the same right now.


Thankfully rank doesn't always work *cough* ETQW *cough*


On another note, some are claiming IWNet can be used to send viri to people. Not sure if I believe it but with all the other buggy code MW2 has it wouldn't surprise me either.




BF2 started the trend and now games use it to cover up bad gameplay and/or bugs. I remember when BF2 was interesting for me but after the ranks lost its appeal I stopped playing. MW2 is the same right now.


Thankfully rank doesn't always work *cough* ETQW *cough*


On another note, some are claiming IWNet can be used to send viri to people. Not sure if I believe it but with all the other buggy code MW2 has it wouldn't surprise me either.







You know they are getting how many billions of dollars from this but yet they cant keep their fucking website up? seriously?



Of course it is wishful thinking that an online petition gets taken seriously in the first place, but you have to agree that there are a core of people in the PC community who put forward what they want in a wholly inappropriate way - thus damaging our reputation and credibility as a whole.


There are asshats in every group. They were going to ignore the petition no matter what form it took because they are setting this all up to charge players a fee to play online. It will start with paying for more maps, and then probably on the next release it will cost a monthly fee to play on IWNET. They surely took into account that a group of pc players would get pissed, but they figure it will be made up on the other end. They have good reason to believe this as sales have shown people will buy anything. They raised the price to 60 bucks for a lesser product than the last MW, and people still lined up to buy it. If enough people buy into this setup, pc gaming as we know it will be a thing of the past.




Steam started disabling cd keys not sold by authorized resellers. Mine was disabled but I got a full refund.


Glad I had a reason to get my money back for this crappy console port. I may buy it again from steam if it drops below $30. May pay a little more if they release a patch with all the features cod4 had. But I will not pay $59 either way.






Steam started disabling cd keys not sold by authorized resellers. Mine was disabled but I got a full refund.


Glad I had a reason to get my money back for this crappy console port. I may buy it again from steam if it drops below $30. May pay a little more if they release a patch with all the features cod4 had. But I will not pay $59 either way.

Not surprising that they'd be disabling CD keys from unauthorized resellers. But if the key is legit, why are they being disabled anyway?


I'd take that $30 and use it for L4D2... just sayin'. :)

But if the key is legit, why are they being disabled anyway?


The keys are legit but they are only ment to be sold in Asia for a cheaper price. They disabled the keys because it's classified as a invalid license.


Basically it's Activision being even more greedy.




They just love to boost their own egos. I swear COD4 may not have had "more guns" or "more perks", but at least it has dedicated following and thousands upon thousands of dedicated servers. Hell I went and played some last night and I admit it's more fun then it is when I played MW2 online. The fact that I was able to open a server browser, play three maps without intermission, and then leave without the worry if I'm the host or not was wonderful. Sure MW2 may LOOK prettier, but really all I see is COD4 graphics with HDR and maybe an up on the texture resolution.


lawls already hacked dedicated servers now








"/end fail command

Yeah I think everyone has seen that first one there.


But then... think of it this way: all of this is to make the game more balanced! After all, why fight when you can spam bullets from the AC-130!


Killstreak perk 1: UAV. Killstreak perk 2: AC-130 or attack chopper. Killstreak perk 3: Nuke. That's all anyone could need.

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