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Everything posted by Duality

  1. Did this by any chance cause COD4 to hang whenever you started it up? With just a black screen? I have been suffering from that for a while.
  2. http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php That would be the best place :)
  3. You attempted to stream a home server - so your servers were blacklisted and your account suspended. You already had one home server streaming that was consequently found on the MPI - someone had played from that server. In order to use our services you most either co-locate your own server boxes, or rent servers from a datacenter.
  4. If these people think that it is you that is hacking, they are retarded, frankly :)
  5. Grabbed this one the other day :D
  6. Welcome to the community :) My clan's servers have done nothing but flourish since we started streaming here - and I am glad you are seeing the benefits too! If you need to ask anything, just do so - the only stupid question is the one that remains unasked :)
  7. *************************************************************** Team: Swat (SwaT) Account ID: 5289 Streaming Status: Not Streaming (0 / 1) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- COD4 - --------------------------------------------------------------- User List --------------------------------------------------------------- Swat Yo-Shi (127121) Helpful Links: Account Management CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use) PBBans Hub Flags Master Player Index Automated Hub Setup Not Streaming Fix If this is your team, then you will need to get the account master to add you to the account. If not, just be creative with the tag. Try "SwaT." for example. It is only for administrative purposes anyway :)
  8. You have been banned locally from the server - you will need to speak to the server admin to be unbanned. Your GUID is not banned here :)
  9. Pffft, you were snooping at my page first!

  10. Time for some RL #whine&care! :lol:
  11. Most people here know that is a common bug - so don't worry, you won't get banned for it here.
  12. Been fiddling with the themes I see ;) In gamersIRC you can right click in the status window of the server and select "autoconnect to this network" or something of that ilk - a lot better than having to manually add "/server -m blah.blah.blah" in perform.
  13. GamersIRC ftw: http://gamersirc.net/ Yeah mIRC is hideously complicated - but frankly the only way to learn with IRC is to dive in and fiddle with it a bit. Wiki terms you don't understand. I still don't understand mIRC - but GamersIRC provides some great shortcuts and tools for common tasks that are annoying to perform in vanilla mIRC. EDIT: Bloody hell Benway, how do you work with that :lol:
  14. SP3 runs just fine. No issues at my end. :)
  15. It is "tactical hiding" ;) From my Xfire profile: Manufacturer: Home Built Processor: Intel
  16. 2 days late perhaps... but thanks! :D
  17. You might want to check your server setup. If the server is set to allow people to play on the LAN, then PB cannot be enabled. If you disallow LAN connections (no idea how...), then you will be able to use PB. Our banlist is easily updated manually, and as for the MCI checks - you can still use those as IceMan said, but they would just kick, not ban. :) Hope this helps :)
  18. Home servers are not allowed to stream for numerous reasons. Mainly, there are a number of security issues involved that lead us to disallow home run servers from streaming. If you run your server from a datacenter (i.e. pay a small amount for co-location), then all of the issues are avoided and thus we only allow dedicated boxes hosted in datacenters to stream to us. I hope this clarifies it a bit :)
  19. Use it too much and EA will start banning people from querying the servers.
  20. http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/index.php
  21. If servers are red, click "activate" on the server page of your accountCP. Your team currently looks like this: *************************************************************** Team: Elite Fragging Force (=EFF=) Account ID: 4466 Streaming Status: Not Streaming (0 / 3) *************************************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------- Server List --------------------------------------------------------------- COD4 - BF2 - COD4 - --------------------------------------------------------------- User List --------------------------------------------------------------- kingrollo06 (124115) Helpful Links: Account Management CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use) PBBans Hub Flags Master Player Index Not Streaming Fix Try the webtool on them all once you have confirmed they are not deactivated in the accountCP. Welcome back, btw ;)
  22. I cannot pass comment on an altered screenshot, im afraid. Why not set up your servers to stream to us, and gain access to the private forums for screenshot reviews - among other perks? :)
  23. If you download entire configs from sites and then use them yourself - frankly you are asking to get banned. Too many malicious people and hackers out there to trust downloadable configs.
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