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[COD MW2] No dedicated servers or PB

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I did a bit of extra digging and found something else. It seems that Hyphen's tweet was done in error, which resulted in misinterpretation by people (like myself) who do not know the situation. He mentioned about clarifying in the forums but failed to link to the post, which I now have found.




I better stop following this, though. I'm starting to lurk and troll around too much. Gotta take step back and start looking at it from a distance.


I understand his position, but there was no need for him to come out say "go buy an fing console!".


I dont if anyone here played Raven shield from ubisoft... but this is the same shit they pulled off from Lockdown to vegas.... i cant stand that big company wants to throw away what made them big...



i think IW and Activision are thinking theres no such thing as bad press right now either..


I really wish this would just go to the media...either that or have the big stores (future shop/bestbuy) not order the games...then they would really look good having all those copies just laying there for no reason...



Also for the console guys, they're getting fed up too. MW2 will have a matchmaking for them also, and they really hated how it was brought to them the same way it did in GoW/GoW2. The matchmaking was horrible, so they always just stuck to single player/coop...

So I got some of my console friends at school to sign the petition and spread the word around. Most of them canceled their orders also, that really made then mad.

I dont if anyone here played Raven shield from ubisoft... but this is the same shit they pulled off from Lockdown to vegas.... i cant stand that big company wants to throw away what made them big...



i think IW and Activision are thinking theres no such thing as bad press right now either..


I remember Rainbow 6 Vegas, omg, what a disgrace, I had major issues with that game, I gave up after about 3 or 4 weeks and then scrapped it.



IW's own FourZeroTwo has commented that Modern Warfare 2 will not have dedicated servers or PunkBuster.





The reduced audio of 402



Sign the petition to send a message to IW that dedicated servers ARE important to the PC community.



I just wonder if any of the companys got any of Obamas stimulus money, im going to do a little research if they did im going to spam every congress men and sentor to tell them they need to support the PC community its worth a try. LOL

The following applies to Playlists:


- the map: Not directly, though you can vote to skip maps that you dislike. Additionaly, we can update the playlists based on player feedback. (e.g. if people dislike playing Highrise in SD, we can remove it)

- the min players: Each playlist has a minimum and a maximum number of players.

- friendly fire: Also a per playlist setting; hardcore playlists tend to have FF enabled.

- weapons: All weapons are available at all times in all playlists.


To clarify; a Playlist is a set of gametypes, maps and rules (player count, health, friendly fire, gametype, bomb timers, score limit, etc...). So we make the "Search and Destroy" playlist. It's regular SD, 12-16 players, no respawns, etc... Then we can also make a "Hardcore Search and Destroy" playlist. It's SD, 12-16 players, no hud, low health, etc... But we can also make a "Hardcore Team Tactical" playlist. It's got all the standard hardcore rules, but it's 6-12 players, has smaller maps, and the gametypes might be Hardore SD, Elimination TDM, etc...

All of this is stuff we can update very easily.


Private Match:

Pick any map, gametype, and rules that you want. Play with as many or as few people as you want (up to the max limit). People can join in progress as they please. You can't disable specific weapons, but it's your server and if someone isn't playing by your rules you can boot them.


There's also the possibility this will be expanded upon in future patches. (I can't promise this of course, cause that's not my call to make)


And on that note, try to keep in mind that we're not just throwing this whole system out there and then washing our hands of it. We will be watching, playing and evaluating what works and what doesn't. The nice thing about PC vs the other platforms is that it's a lot easier to patch after we ship.


If this is true looks like a 16 player max limit like the consoles.




Won't make a diff to me one way or the other, on the player-limit. I still want to game with my clan, and a match-making system with no dedi-server will guarantee that doesn't happen unless we do private matches, added to which the pings would be horrific, connected to a listen-server. Waste of my time, and money, as far as I'm concerned.


My clan doesn't live within the same city, and many not within the same country. Guess IW only counted on clans that know everyone in them in real life, and not those of us who've grown from having some actual interaction with people from across the globe.




CoD4 technically only supported 24 players, but GSP's and various clans have proven that more can be supported. For those that like the huge chaos servers, this will be a difinitive issue, for sure. I do like a 16-20 slot server myself, but that's a personal preference for my own reasons. I do completely get the idea of the 40+ servers. There was a day when I did like them myself. (Re-lives the ET-days when 64 slots and total chaos was my game) :) Guess some things do change with time and age. I don't think that the right to run such servers should be taken away from the willing server-admin/clan, if that's their choosing, though, and I hear you, Duality.


They'd have been better off to offer both, and as such, test the IW:Net idea first, to see how it did, rather than dump it on us with no choice.




FYI, I've included a couple of server-messages into my COD4 server regarding boycotting MW2 for not having PB or dedi-server files.


May not hurt for those on COD4 and WaW servers to do the same, to get the word out to those that do not frequent clan-sites, IW forums or forums like this one.




I'd rather put up with some minor dedi-server lag on a 40 slot, than put up with a huge pile of it on a listen server run off someone's P4 on a 1MB connection(upload being about 256-512MB in North America, on average).




oh i meant the lag on consoles


rarely see a good smooth connection on console


though it does vary by game


Console connections are buggy at best, and only work well if the user is somewhat PC-savvy, and can configure a router properly. Likely the reason console connections are so buggy is because they are not PC-savvy, and as such, this is why they play on a console..... Need I say more?



FYI, I've included a couple of server-messages into my COD4 server regarding boycotting MW2 for not having PB or dedi-server files.

Had the petition link running in our pb messages since we first saw it.

Try and keep the momentum going.

Had the petition link running in our pb messages since we first saw it.

Try and keep the momentum going.



I am, and have my own thread publically available for search on my own forums, as well as posting in the many that I visit that relate to it.


My biggest concern, though, is the legitimacy of threads. I stop posting in those that become console vs pc flame-wars, as they do us no good. I post in the ones that matter, and with fact, not flame, as flame won't get proper attention, including in this thread. Work the threads that are positive in nature, for our cause, only.




Nothing you could expect less of, from someone who is a spokesperson, and a console-gamer only. He'll never understand our reasoning, nor be able to be a spokesperson for it.




Steam pre-orders are now aval for a price of $59 US, Australia and New Zealand = $89.99 US






Gotta love the dewscriptions




Setting a new bar for online multiplayer, Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer delivers new capabilities, customization, gamestates and modes, including:


Create-a-Class Evolved


* Secondary Weapons - Machine Pistols, Shotguns, Handguns, Launchers

* Riot Shields

* Equipment - Throwing Knives, Blast Shield, Tactical Insertion

* Perk Upgrades

* Bling (Dual Attachments)

* Customizable Killstreaks - AC130, Sentry Gun, Predator Missile, Counter-UAV, Care Package

* Accolades (Post match reports)


RPG game for console kids, shame really. Makes sense I guess since it's the same parent company that brings us World of Sausage err Warcraft



Oh the response is funny for the $89 price


For 90 it better come with a hooker.



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