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[COD MW2] No dedicated servers or PB

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I can guarantee you with their explanation for the need for dedicated servers for both CONSOLE AND PC that they will get more popular. That's the part IW missed, when they decided to screw PC players, but they've also screwed the console fella's as well, so who really cares?


I will say again, I want to game with my clan. I don't want to be paired up with the 13 yr olds down the street who may or may not be of the same skill level.


I do not want to have to put up with VAC.


I do not want to put up without having a branded server for my clan.


I DO WANT to be able to play the games I love with the guys I've gamed with, both new and old to my clan, on a server that WE RUN and CONTROL!


I DO WANT to be able to have PB ENABLED on my servers.


I DO WANT to be able to have PBBANS STREAMING for said-servers.


I DO WANT to have dedi-server files.


I WILL NOT SUPPORT NOR BUY MW2 for said above reasons.


I doubt they care, and I doubt they'll read this thread, but those are solid reasons, and if need be, my clan will move on to a game that is not IW produced, and will find another niche in the gaming world, and support it. MW2, without the above, will not be supported by my clan. If I can't game with my UK members as well as my US members and Canadian members on the same server due to piss-poor-pairing, I will not be playing the game, nor will my clan.




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I think this is the most clear and concise statement I have read in quite some time. Us old farts can't keep up with you youngsters these days... Seriously though, it is a great post and pretty much sums up our opinions as a group. ;)


I am 36, have members in my clan as old as 56, and some younger than I, as well, but average age is around 30+ regardless. We're not putting up with this, various members on twitter and so on. I refuse to get on twitter just to tweet to a spokesperson, I'll put it public on my own forums, and add the key-words so it gets hit with google. Google-bot hits my site lots, so does yahoo-bot, etc, I can include the key-words to trigger more hits. More my strategy, really.


Boycot this game, and use your personal gaming sites to do so, and put the tools you have to work for you. Get IW to think twice, and support a different game, and let this one suck hind-tit.


I won't be a part of this thread much further.





im 52 and this IW bull sucks.i am not going to buy MW2 and my clan will not buy it.if all pc gamers would stick together on this issue we can hit IW where it counts,in thier pocketbook.ill boycott IW and activision


Our clan has pretty much decided as of yesterday to move to battle field bad company 2. No bullshitting around with IW... Its too bad because they did have a good thing going.


Never really liked the Camp of Duty Series. We were almost considering getting a MW2 server, just to have another game besides bf2. Then the news broke... so, All aboard the BFBC2 train!

The following is a list of Call of Duty games on Steam, and whether it

is possible to register retail CD Keys for the specific game's to Steam:


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Retail CD Keys for this game can and must be added to Steam in order to play the game.




As users have posted on the steam forums this will mean users can not sell MW2 used since it's tied to your steam account.

  MaydaX said:


As users have posted on the steam forums this will mean users can not sell MW2 used since it's tied to your steam account.


man that really sucks for some ppl....i would really like to kno what the hell IW was thinking when they made this decision or if they even thought about this....as for BFBC2....i nvr was a big fan of the BF series but BC2 looks amazing...


This users post on the steam forums sums it up


Of course it will upset people. They are charging us more, just because they can. Steam puts this ridiculous price of $90 for no good reason. Then there's no demo, there's no beta, they remove features with a tested (and failed) MP model and hope that you are stupid or just don't have anything else to play so you purchase it regardless. And if you don't like it - you're at a 100% loss. Console gamers can at least rent it or sell it. Hell, they can even >. It's only logical that you see people upset with this. You, as a customer, are left with no choice but to either buy it or gtfo.


And to top it off IW forums are down atm


mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Too many connections


They expect us to believe IWNet will be a success when they can't even keep their forums online.

  MaydaX said:
This users post on the steam forums sums it up




And to top it off IW forums are down atm




They expect us to believe IWNet will be a success when they can't even keep their forums online.


yeh isnt that the truth...at least with dedicated servers theres a 99.9% chance that servers wont be offine and down...i hope that when it comes out all the ppl that are dumb enough to buy it flood IWNET and it crashes on the release date...i would lol that hard


I really pity the people who'll still go ahead and buy the game in the hope of having a half decent multiplayer experience.


Can you imagine the stink in the community if "IW.Net" falls over or gets hit by a DDOS attack in the first few days... IW would never live it down.


The fact that they can't even keep their forums up atm should be putting more people off tbh.


I put a video up on youtube to try and help you COD players out a bit , it seems to me youtube is sticking all the videos about this matter on the back burner and not listing them proberly ! My video tags are COD MW2 and my video is showing up in the COD4 area "kind Of" ...... anyway i Signed the petition hope it helps ! I have COD4 and i had a server or 2 but i let go i dont care for COD online play the maps are to small for the amount of fire power one has and all that get bombed from the sky crap relly turned me off big time ! I will say i loved single player mode and when sgt price got wacked at the end i almost cryed .........lol. Good luck with it guys i hope you all get what you want after all we are the money ! O i almost forgot "NO PUNKBUSTER NO ME" !!!!!


Keep the cancellations coming. Each cancellation puts a dent in IW's pockets and if they see their sales make a serious decline, they will think twice next time to not put out dedicated servers nor integrate PB into their games.

  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)

Well it seems im going to have to keep my SOF2 server as long as PB supports it. I wanted to get a COD4 WAW server---but im not sure how these issues are going to work out for COD in general. My luck is getting a new server then PB drops the game, Im sure SOF2 is soon to follow and I will have to learn how to play NINTENDO... LAME!!!!!!!









Edited by *WfF* FoRcE

If the game does not have PB support, it will not be played by me! I am with you, SuperTaz and others, who support the cause.


We unite under one name, namely PC-Gamers!


Speak with your wallet on this one. MW2 should not be purchased by anyone who is a serious gamer.




This sucks, no dedis = no game! which is a shame, our clan were looking to get a server etc..


But IWnet.. if they can't keep their forum up, what makes them think that they can keep IWnet up?


IW have got a bad dose of Consolitis, I hope they choke on it.


..and VAC.. don't get me started..


I love my streaming server - it's the way it's meant to be


We Russian gamers Call of Duty 4, World at War. We are against no dedicated!!!

Only the PB and only dedicated! We ignore MW2.

The game we rallied together.





Was going to buy it, but not now. By the way...i threw together a little boycott sig. Feel free to pass it around :)

  • Upvote 1
  RoadWarrior said:
Speak with your wallet on this one. MW2 should not be purchased by anyone who is a serious gamer.




I was going to pre-order it until this announcement came through. It makes more sense to include dedicated servers and mod tools, obviously FourZeroTwo is a console fanboy so can't see the importance of these.


I've been watching the forums for Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising too and seems a lot of players can't even play because of this listen server system, some are not even able to get online, maybe MW2 will be the same, irrespective of what IW tells us now.


If players can't get online, you will see one very expensive paper-weight sitting on a lot of computer desks. This idea of pairing/steam/vac is just horrible to think about.


Thus far any pc-games that attempt to use this system are failing horribly.



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