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[COD MW2] No dedicated servers or PB

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I'll just wait until it comes down to the current price of the original COD. :P Shouldn't take long with the way it's "flying off the shelves."




Keeps getting more interesting


Just look at the screen shots below. No wonder IW were able to make such good maps for WM2. IW ran a competition for maps in CoD4 and if I remember rightly, NO ONE won anything from it. So, mappers are duped into making maps and having to provide the source files for the maps. Then, "they claim" to have remade Brecourt. Yeah, right they did. This is Zeroy's Pripyat map from CoD4, with 1 or 2 VERY minor changes.




Something I would expect from a 20 something era player. The days of true online play are over. Console noobs have taken over and give everything to a company that is more about money than standards or true classic gaming. People make statements, petitions, or otherwise yet continue to back something that many have decided is not the direction things should travel. I could go on over this but it would be pointless.

No standards; No etiquette, no nothing. Todays world I suppose but still a disappointment to those of us here for the duration. Every day I read posts such as this it makes me sick to know this is the road we will travel. I won't and some others will. Choice I suppose.


I resent the fact that you believe it is to do with age.


I have been playing games on the PC since the DOS era. The only console I ever owned was the original Playstation. I consider myself to be a PC gamer through and through.


What I am not however, is a league or clan player. I had my fill of all that with COD4, and the scene just does not appeal to me any more. So, for all intents and purposes - the current implementation of MW2 MP suits me just fine. I am one of the "casual" players they keep going on about in their press releases. I jump in for an hour or two when I have time.


Does the lack of dedicated servers suck? Yep it does - without a doubt. But what some of you need to get into your head is this game is not the massive trainwreck failure you so desperately want it to be. It has issues, bugs, shortcomings - like any other game. But is it a failure? Nope. This game is FUN. Isn't that what gaming is supposed to be about? I am having a blast playing it, both online and offline - so it is deserving of my money.


I purchased this game because all I see on every single forum (barring this one for the most part) is nothing but whining and trolling, punctuated by the periodic flaming of people that purchased and had good things to say about it. I decided that because of this, I would purchase the game and see for myself. I am not one to be swayed by popular opinion - nor will I jump on a bandwagon concerning a particular issue.


I resent the fact that Dedi servers have been taken out, but IWNet WORKS. As I said earlier, it has issues - but for the most part I have enjoyed a great MP experience. If you go into the game expecting completely issue and lag free gaming that is clan and competitive gaming friendly then you will leave disappointed. But, if you are like me and have little time or motivation to personally get involved in such things (and therefore are branded a "casual gamer" or a "traitor" to the "rightious PC cause") then you will not be disappointed.


I am not what some of you will call a "consoletard" or a hypocrite. I signed the petition, because I want dedicated servers. What I did not agree to is any kind of boycott or suchlike - so I really could not care less what people's opinions of me are for purchasing this game.


If people want to start questioning my motives and whether I am a "true PC gamer" (because you know damn well that is what you are implying) then to be honest my time as a member of this community will be quickly drawing to an end. I don't want to be a part of a wider community that pushes away its own because they enjoyed a game against popular opinion.


If I come across as defensive - its because I am. Every forum I read has posts like this (some harsher than others), basically telling people that they are "retarded" or "dumbing down" for enjoying this game. I wont let people tell me that I am wrong or I am supporting PC gaming going in the "wrong direction". Its just different. People should not be so afraid of change.

  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)

well I didn't buy the game either but I just completed single player :P


took 6 h 9 minutes according to the game itself...


The amount of weapons in this game boggles me.. really I don't think i've seen the same weapon more than a few times...

spoiler below


The airport mission is fucked up... Killing civilians really?, personally I think it would take a lot more then a civilian attack in an airport to cause a Russian vs US fight.. and I don't believe that Russians would be able to drop troops into the US so easily.



Personally I liked single player alot.. Maybe down the road Ill buy the actual game but i'm still kinda weary about the multiplayer experience... i think that youtube video going around doesn't reflect everyones gameplay but it definatly highlights a big issue..


Also my biggest issue is that with the current nvidia drivers 191.07 the game does NOT run in SLI.


I have a EVGA 295 gtx card overclocked to 704 on the core, 1536 on the shaders and 1207 on the memory with a i7-950 on stock (for now :P) and I'm able to run the game with full settings at 1920X1080 resolution with a few stutters (I didn't play the game with frame rate showing the first time around, might play it again). For those of you who don't know the 295 is basically two 275 GFX cards into one that consumes less power.


I'm not particularly interested in running beta drivers and I heard that this fixes SLI in MW2.


I'm also assuming that the game WILL have a fix for SLI down the road (most likely via nvidia with a driver update) because both cod4 + cod5 have sli.


For now it gets an 7.5/10 on my part. SLI fix 8.5/10


I would have given it a 9 / 10 but there are WAY too many ammo depots in the game...




I mean really a stinger missile on the top of a fast food restaurant / fighting at a bunch of restaurants? I actually LOLed when I saw it was burger king / taco bell




Edit: just so you know this is based off of single player... not multi

Edited by Ice Man

Can we neg rep duality yet :P Jokes :D


Nah in all seriousness I would half agree, that the game is fine for the casual gamer. As Duality said, if that is all you are and expecting then there is no problem. IW has brought on this hate upon themselves the PC community made them and the cod franchise what it is today, and they have clearly turned there backs on them.


There are out there to make money, they have realised there massive potential of the casual gamer which far exceeds the smaller hardcore, clan gamers. I found this article to be quite spot on with the direction they are going




The only thing that has really annoyed me is the blatant lies and crap they have fed people which are just clear money making or covering up lazyness. The so called balance changes are simpley there because either a. The console version does not have it and there don't want to waste money putting it in for the PC. b. The limitations of there new software prevent them. This of course only inspired more hate and rallied the community against them even more.


I can accept if they game plays well for the casual gamer, I would expect nothing less, it was designed to. The least they could do was be honest about it :/ So they will get no sympathy from me.



  • Upvote 1

In the single player you can change the resolution, but not in multiplayer.

  • Upvote 1

Can we neg rep duality yet :P Jokes :D


Nah in all seriousness I would half agree, that the game is fine for the casual gamer. As Duality said, if that is all you are and expecting then there is no problem. IW has brought on this hate upon themselves the PC community made them and the cod franchise what it is today, and they have clearly turned there backs on them.


There are out there to make money, they have realised there massive potential of the casual gamer which far exceeds the smaller hardcore, clan gamers. I found this article to be quite spot on with the direction they are going




The only thing that has really annoyed me is the blatant lies and crap they have fed people which are just clear money making or covering up lazyness. The so called balance changes are simpley there because either a. The console version does not have it and there don't want to waste money putting it in for the PC. b. The limitations of there new software prevent them. This of course only inspired more hate and rallied the community against them even more.


I can accept if they game plays well for the casual gamer, I would expect nothing less, it was designed to. The least they could do was be honest about it :/ So they will get no sympathy from me.




Hit the nail on the head. +1 rep for you. :lol:


I am just ignoring all the hate and enjoying what has turned out to be a pretty good game :)


In the single player you can change the resolution, but not in multiplayer.


You can. I'm running at 1680x1050.

Posted (edited)

Here's a pretty good review of the game, PC version specifically. It's a good read.




I just read the article... I hate to dispute it but there *IS* a config file that you can mess with outside the game... for those interested.


again I haven't tried it outside of single player but here it is




hummm wonder if this was left over :P

bind ` "toggleconsole"


Edited by Ice Man

Funny part is the old cod4 code is still there


0060AD80 |. 68 3C5D7200	PUSH iw4mp.00725D3C 	; ASCII "sys_smp_allowed"
0060AD85 |. E8 1634ECFF	CALL iw4mp.004CE1A0
0060AD8A |. 68 14BD6F00	PUSH iw4mp.006FBD14 	; ASCII "Master server name for listing public inet games"
0060AD8F |. 6A 04 	PUSH 4
0060AD91 |. 68 BC9C6D00	PUSH iw4mp.006D9CBC 	; ASCII "cod4master.activision.com"
0060AD96 |. 68 D0906F00	PUSH iw4mp.006F90D0 	; ASCII "masterServerName"
0060AD9B |. A3 2879AD01	MOV DWORD PTR DS:[1AD7928],EAX
0060ADA0 |. E8 3B1AEFFF	CALL iw4mp.004FC7E0
0060ADA5 |. 68 D4AA6F00	PUSH iw4mp.006FAAD4 	; ASCII "Authentication server name for listing public inet games"
0060ADAA |. 6A 04 	PUSH 4
0060ADAC |. 68 BC9C6D00	PUSH iw4mp.006D9CBC 	; ASCII "cod4master.activision.com"
0060ADB1 |. 68 38847200	PUSH iw4mp.00728438 	; ASCII "authServerName"
0060ADB6 |. A3 488FAD01	MOV DWORD PTR DS:[1AD8F48],EAX
0060ADBB |. E8 201AEFFF	CALL iw4mp.004FC7E0
0060ADC0 |. 68 9C157000	PUSH iw4mp.0070159C 	; ASCII "Master server port"
0060ADC5 |. 6A 04 	PUSH 4
0060ADC7 |. 68 FFFF0000	PUSH 0FFFF
0060ADCC |. 6A 00 	PUSH 0
0060ADCE |. 68 4A510000	PUSH 514A
0060ADD3 |. 68 9CB96E00	PUSH iw4mp.006EB99C 	; ASCII "masterPort"
0060ADD8 |. A3 3879AD01	MOV DWORD PTR DS:[1AD7938],EAX
0060ADDD |. E8 4EEAE6FF	CALL iw4mp.00479830
0060ADE2 |. 83C4 48 	ADD ESP,48
0060ADE5 |. 68 0C5D7100	PUSH iw4mp.00715D0C 	; ASCII "Auth server port"
0060ADEA |. 6A 04 	PUSH 4
0060ADEC |. 68 FFFF0000	PUSH 0FFFF
0060ADF1 |. 6A 00 	PUSH 0
0060ADF3 |. 68 40510000	PUSH 5140
0060ADF8 |. 68 68F67000	PUSH iw4mp.0070F668 	; ASCII "authPort"
0060ADFD |. A3 308FAD01	MOV DWORD PTR DS:[1AD8F30],EAX
0060AE02 |. E8 29EAE6FF	CALL iw4mp.00479830
0060AE07 |. 68 B8557100	PUSH iw4mp.007155B8 	; ASCII "Enable development options"


Funny part is the old cod4 code is still there


0060AD80 |. 68 3C5D7200	PUSH iw4mp.00725D3C 	; ASCII "sys_smp_allowed"
0060AD85 |. E8 1634ECFF	CALL iw4mp.004CE1A0
0060AD8A |. 68 14BD6F00	PUSH iw4mp.006FBD14 	; ASCII "Master server name for listing public inet games"
0060AD8F |. 6A 04 	PUSH 4
0060AD91 |. 68 BC9C6D00	PUSH iw4mp.006D9CBC 	; ASCII "cod4master.activision.com"
0060AD96 |. 68 D0906F00	PUSH iw4mp.006F90D0 	; ASCII "masterServerName"
0060AD9B |. A3 2879AD01	MOV DWORD PTR DS:[1AD7928],EAX
0060ADA0 |. E8 3B1AEFFF	CALL iw4mp.004FC7E0
0060ADA5 |. 68 D4AA6F00	PUSH iw4mp.006FAAD4 	; ASCII "Authentication server name for listing public inet games"
0060ADAA |. 6A 04 	PUSH 4
0060ADAC |. 68 BC9C6D00	PUSH iw4mp.006D9CBC 	; ASCII "cod4master.activision.com"
0060ADB1 |. 68 38847200	PUSH iw4mp.00728438 	; ASCII "authServerName"
0060ADB6 |. A3 488FAD01	MOV DWORD PTR DS:[1AD8F48],EAX
0060ADBB |. E8 201AEFFF	CALL iw4mp.004FC7E0
0060ADC0 |. 68 9C157000	PUSH iw4mp.0070159C 	; ASCII "Master server port"
0060ADC5 |. 6A 04 	PUSH 4
0060ADC7 |. 68 FFFF0000	PUSH 0FFFF
0060ADCC |. 6A 00 	PUSH 0
0060ADCE |. 68 4A510000	PUSH 514A
0060ADD3 |. 68 9CB96E00	PUSH iw4mp.006EB99C 	; ASCII "masterPort"
0060ADD8 |. A3 3879AD01	MOV DWORD PTR DS:[1AD7938],EAX
0060ADDD |. E8 4EEAE6FF	CALL iw4mp.00479830
0060ADE2 |. 83C4 48 	ADD ESP,48
0060ADE5 |. 68 0C5D7100	PUSH iw4mp.00715D0C 	; ASCII "Auth server port"
0060ADEA |. 6A 04 	PUSH 4
0060ADEC |. 68 FFFF0000	PUSH 0FFFF
0060ADF1 |. 6A 00 	PUSH 0
0060ADF3 |. 68 40510000	PUSH 5140
0060ADF8 |. 68 68F67000	PUSH iw4mp.0070F668 	; ASCII "authPort"
0060ADFD |. A3 308FAD01	MOV DWORD PTR DS:[1AD8F30],EAX
0060AE02 |. E8 29EAE6FF	CALL iw4mp.00479830
0060AE07 |. 68 B8557100	PUSH iw4mp.007155B8 	; ASCII "Enable development options"



thats not that surprising, think back to Rainbow Six: Vegas 2.... when they released the D2D version, they used a modified version of the 'pirated cracked no-cd' game to make the D2D version.


at least this time they used code from themselves, not the pirates :blink:


Boycott worked well ... /sarcasm






Steam Group




66,407 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Multiplayer

47,715 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2




the boycott was an EPIC-FAIL mostly because most of the ppl (at least in our clan) stating im not gonna buy the game went out and bought it anyway :(

the game does look awesome though


So much for getting the point across with a boycott. I know lots were looking forward to the game. I was too. I guess my convictions to follow through with taking a stand for something are perhaps different than others' though. I have not, and will not be buying the game, if for no other reason than a matter of principle. Inevitably, though, even those here that reneged on that idea helped IW's cause and not their own, the grand scheme of things says that for every die-hard PC gamer that didn't buy the game, there's 1000 other people out there who could care less about dedicated servers. It's all about this year's eye-candy/most anticipated game to them. If it ends up on the shelf due to it being crap for online play, it'll simply get replaced with something else next month. That's the cycle of life, when it comes to hype. I hope all those that did buy it, enjoy it.

  • Upvote 8

So much for getting the point across with a boycott. I know lots were looking forward to the game. I was too. I guess my convictions to follow through with taking a stand for something are perhaps different than others' though. I have not, and will not be buying the game, if for no other reason than a matter of principle. Inevitably, though, even those here that reneged on that idea helped IW's cause and not their own, the grand scheme of things says that for every die-hard PC gamer that didn't buy the game, there's 1000 other people out there who could care less about dedicated servers. It's all about this year's eye-candy/most anticipated game to them. If it ends up on the shelf due to it being crap for online play, it'll simply get replaced with something else next month. That's the cycle of life, when it comes to hype. I hope all those that did buy it, enjoy it.


repped nice post


I did not buy it either, but it sounds like my friend might be getting it too me for free, so we can play co-op :) But I will not put money in InfinityWards pockets, just for the fact that they did not seem to give two shits about the PC community or it's opinion.

  • Upvote 1

sooo ive caved, well not really me... my girlfriend heard me talking about this game to a friend and she thought she would surprise me with it. so she ordered it for me as a gift.... so for the sake of the community (and my own entertainment) im going to try it out. rest assured there will be an honest review in the next day or two.


i feel as if i have fallen to their communistic ways :(


So much for getting the point across with a boycott. I know lots were looking forward to the game. I was too. I guess my convictions to follow through with taking a stand for something are perhaps different than others' though. I have not, and will not be buying the game, if for no other reason than a matter of principle. Inevitably, though, even those here that reneged on that idea helped IW's cause and not their own, the grand scheme of things says that for every die-hard PC gamer that didn't buy the game, there's 1000 other people out there who could care less about dedicated servers. It's all about this year's eye-candy/most anticipated game to them. If it ends up on the shelf due to it being crap for online play, it'll simply get replaced with something else next month. That's the cycle of life, when it comes to hype. I hope all those that did buy it, enjoy it.


Yep; +1 on this as well. No further comment other than I am so disappointed in people these days.


I heard about the people who don't hold true to their words and those who did end up playing the game ought to be ashamed. I refuse to bother with the game, even if was a gift or given for free. I'd rather burn the box and disc than to play a single second. I'm ready to commit to that, to never have played MW2. I've been ready ever since I have decided long ago, well before the server news broke out, to not bother with the game. But that's just me. I do enjoy a well-made game ... but one thing that always ticks me off is how some issues never get resolved or that it takes a developer years to actually start doing something about it.


What ever happened to playing great games that doesn't have the greatest graphics? Can't I just walk to some dark place and be eaten by a grue?

Posted (edited)

How to determine Ping in IWNet

From SarahB in the IW forums.



• Navigate to the folder: 'program files\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty modern warfare 2\players' and open the file config_mp.cfg


• Change scoresping_interval from 100 to 20, and maxbars from 4 to 10 (10 is the max).


• This means that each of the 10 bars represents 20ms, with full green being 20ms or lower, and 1 red being 200ms or higher.







The sad truth? You might wanna pound a few beers before you read this:


• The host is immediately obvious, he's the guy with 0-20 ping (full green).

• I usually connect with about 101-200+ms.

• Most people are connected at 200+ms (3 or less bars on normal cfg settings).

• On regular cfg settings, 4 bars means up to 0-100 ping, 3 bars 101-200, 2 bars 201-300, 1 bar is 301+.





• Ping the measurement, in milliseconds, of how long it takes for your computer to send a signal to the host (shot fired) and receive a response (hit or miss).

• Ping below 40ms is optimal. The higher past 0ms, the worse it is.

• 100ms is considered very bad, as that means a 1/10th of a second delay between when you take an action and when you learn whether it accomplished the desired affect. Past 100ms it begins to get more and more noticeable.

• The delay begins to get particularly noticeable around 150ms (1.5 tenths of a second delay).

• NAZINet (formerly IWNet) is a P2P system, meaning you connect directly to someone's home connection. This means you are practically guaranteed a ping greater than 100ms, unless you host. Conversely, the host is practically guaranteed a ping lower than 40ms.

• P2P systems conceal the truth by showing bars instead of numbers. 4 bars means either you are host, or else mild fail. 3 bars or less is an epic fail.

Edited by CosmicBlue

Strings found in the MP exe


List for "suck"


006D9298: 'We suck as host - ending the game',0Ah,0

006E5C48: 'badhost_maxDoISuckFrames',0

006FC860: 'badhost_minPercentClientsUnhappyToSuck',0

006FE384: 'badhost_endGameIfISuck',0

0071C320: 'Minimum number of clients before it does the ',27h,'suck as host',27h,' test',0

00726BB0: 'I suck as host',0




List for "xbox"


006DBBE4: 'menu_xboxlive_barracks',0


006EB06C: 'User is logged into xbox live',0





006F6268: 'Script_ShowGamerCard called on non Xbox platform',0Ah,0

006F65C8: 'menu_xboxlive_lobby',0



006FC790: 'menu_xboxlive',0



0070573C: 'menu_xboxlive_privatelobby',0



00710A38: 'menu_xboxlive_lobbyended',0


0071651C: 'menu_xboxlive_findgame',0


0071B880: 'exec default_xboxlive.cfg',0

0071EB98: 'set systemlink 0; set splitscreen 0; set onlinegame 1; exec default_xboxlive.cfg',0

0071F4B0: 'true only if this is an xbox live game AND we',27h,'re the host, otherwise false',0


007223E8: 'menu_xboxlive_teams',0

00724810: 'Opening private party host reconnect dialog in menu_xboxlive.',0Ah,0


0072D3D0: 'Player ',27h,'%s',27h,' logged out of Xbox Live',0Ah,0

0072EF78: 'true only if this is an xbox live RANKED game AND we',27h,'re the host, otherwise false',0


007386E0: 'menu_xboxlive_partyended',0




List for "lean"


006D8468: 'USAGE: allowads( )',0Ah,0

006D8968: 'Amount to shift the player 3rd person model when crouch leaning left',0

006DD854: 'player_lean_shift_left',0

006E0008: 'player_lean_shift_crouch_left',0

006E354C: 'player_lean_rotate_left',0

006E44CC: 'player_lean_shift_right',0

006E8E2C: 'Amount to shift the player 3rd person model when leaning left',0

006F3A28: 'Amount to shift the player 3rd person model when crouch leaning right',0

006F8548: 'Amount to rotate the player 3rd person model when leaning right',0

00702448: 'Amount to rotate the player 3rd person model when crouch leaning left',0

00705584: 'player_lean_rotate_crouch_right',0

00707518: 'Amount to rotate the player 3rd person model when crouch leaning right',0

00708564: '+leanleft',0

0070E47C: 'player_lean_rotate_right',0

00711A18: 'player_lean_rotate_crouch_left',0

007125D8: 'player_lean_shift_crouch_right',0

007131AC: 'Com_ErrorCleanup was called, calling Party_Sleep',0Ah,0

007143E0: '-leanright',0

0071444C: '+leanright',0

00716BE0: 'Amount to rotate the player 3rd person model when leaning left',0

0072A5CC: 'Amount to shift the player 3rd person model when leaning right',0

007324BC: '-leanleft',0

007359B4: 'phys_autoDisableAngular',0

007385A4: 'dvar ',27h,'%s',27h,' is not a boolean dvar',0Ah,0




It's not a console port /sarcasm

  • Upvote 1

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