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[COD MW2] No dedicated servers or PB

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So much for getting the point across with a boycott. I know lots were looking forward to the game. I was too. I guess my convictions to follow through with taking a stand for something are perhaps different than others' though. I have not, and will not be buying the game, if for no other reason than a matter of principle..



Same here Road.Didn't buy it and not going to.


Would it be possible to edit in lean yourself by changing those "0" values or would the newly created .exe not work? LOL @ IW saying it isn't a direct port. Changing the way the game is played is one thing, but flat out lying to people about is just far beyond pathetic. I can't believe so many players have fallen for this steaming, stinking pile of monkey shit.



Posted here http://www.gamer.nl/doc/52335/Activisio ... y-online/1


Activision gaat een online betaalmodel introduceren voor zijn grootste franchise, waaronder Call of Duty. Dit meldde Thomas Tippl, financieel manager bij Activision Blizzard, in een interview met website IGN tijdens het BMO Capital Markets Conference in New York.



I can't speak for MW2 as I don't own it and will not be buying it but on L4D and L4D2 you do get to see your ping as well as the ping bar and I'm surprised it's not hidden better, I've seen pings well in excess of 1000, I find it hard to play with anything above 120 but that sort of ping is ridiculous.


Only if you are on a listening server, there is the choice of using dedicated servers in l4d and l4d2. And they do this while using a matchmaking system as well :P. Using a dedicated server I normally get normal dedi ping times, ie 30 to uk, 40 to nl 60 to de. Lag free gaming with matchmaking IS possible.



Posted (edited)

If all this is true--I will be dropping all servers and not buying anymore games--this has gone to far--these companies are screwing everyone down the line--Activision can keep there games we paid good money for/bought severs and made clans that we cant use anymore? Oh, I forgot no PB--DONT BUY ANY MORE GAMES UNTIL THEY START WORKING FOR THE CUSTOMER!!!!!!! All they are doing is screwing the hosting companies and the gamers that use them--does this remind you of COMMUNISM??? Lets just not buy the games they spend millions of dollars to produce, advertise ect. and put them out of business. Ill have to resort to single player playin the bots if necessary. I WILL NOT PAY A MONTHLY FEE FOR PLAYING ANY GAME UNLESS I HAVE MY OWN DEDICATED PB ENABLED SERVER.

Edited by *WfF* FoRcE

If all this is true--I will be dropping all servers and not buying anymore games--this has gone to far--these companies are screwing everyone down the line--Activision can keep there games we paid good money for/bought severs and made clans that we cant use anymore? Oh, I forgot no PB--DONT BUY ANY MORE GAMES UNTIL THEY START WORKING FOR THE CUSTOMER!!!!!!! All they are doing is screwing the hosting companies and the gamers that use them--does this remind you of COMMUNISM??? Lets just not buy the games they spend millions of dollars to produce, advertise ect. and put them out of business. Ill have to resort to single player playin the bots if necessary. I WILL NOT PAY A MONTHLY FEE FOR PLAYING ANY GAME UNLESS I HAVE MY OWN DEDICATED PB ENABLED SERVER.



Dedi servers or not, I won't pay a monthly fee after spending $60+ on a game.


Where did you come up with a monthly fee? I honestly tried to fight the urge to buy the game mainly because i wanted dedi & pb but once you realize it wont happen i think you will be more accepting of the game. I went out and bought it today and from the small bit ive actually played its a nice game and honestly thats what we all game for is to play fun games.


A recent marketing study by Activision shows that thinking about the business of special online functionality in the Call of Duty series to a paid service.


Part of the online experience would be playable fee, such as special skins, advanced stat tracking, game modes, early access to beta programs and supporting the competitive games. It is not entirely clear whether the study hint to the full removal of the free online component, or merely going to share.


Don't we already have this? I think it's called FilePlanet!


Well, since everything old seems to become new again, I hear the next version of IW:Net will have see us being required to dial into a BBS system with an old 11k baud external modem. Heck, maybe they'll even go back to putting the game-code on the back of magazines and provide us with the 5 1/4" floppy disk to save it on..... :blink:



Theoretically, this should help eliminate the unfair 0-ping the host gets.....

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Well, since everything old seems to become new again, I hear the next version of IW:Net will have see us being required to dial into a BBS system with an old 11k baud external modem. Heck, maybe they'll even go back to putting the game-code on the back of magazines and provide us with the 5 1/4" floppy disk to save it on..... :blink:



Theoretically, this should help eliminate the unfair 0-ping the host gets.....


Yet people will continue to buy it. No rants this time; no comments; No nothing. :angry: All done with CoD and at this point I really could care less. Dropping our remaining servers as well for this game. Had enough abuse I guess.


And the people crying about rank hacks have started


I WORKED toward my extended mag upgrade. I obtained this advantage by having to put up with using FMJ's, instead of a Holographic sight.


Why should someone else get that advantage instantly without putting in any effort at all?


That sums it up, they want an "advantage" over other players.




You know I've been following this whole discussion from the beginning but never posted cause I'm not a COD player although I mostly share your views about the missing dedicated servers and the impossability of choosing a server yourself (which quite frankly peed me off about BF Heroes)


My best reply


If you want a level playing field, go play Counter-Strike. It has had the same weapons for the last 8 years now.


Yet it's still #1, gee wonder why. MW2 may beat it from time to time in the next few weeks but in the end people will get tired of it and go back to the old games.

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I just thought of an P2P flaw in IWnet that will get worse as the player count drops.


Matchmaking is fast and pings are good now because of the high volume of players and the chances of a players being close enough to get a


If the closest person is now farther away, my ping will go up.




Unless you live in a highly populated area, players will see longer matching times and higher pings. Where as dedicated servers never move and ping will always be the same.


They'll go back to the old games or wait for a new one (BFBC2 maybe?).. either way they'll be looking for something different.




Yes, I'm going back to Pong. Screw all these new games... And when I'm done with that, I'll be hunting grues.


Yes, I'm going back to Pong. Screw all these new games... And when I'm done with that, I'll be hunting grues.



Tetris or GTFO




Man IW really needs to proof read their PC code after copy & pasting from the xbox code.

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