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[COD MW2] No dedicated servers or PB

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Posted (edited)

X-play had a brief blurb tonight about the dedicated server issue in the ticker that runs at the bottom of the screen during the show. It didn't really explain anything to anyone that wasn't familiar with the issue. All it said was "Infinity Ward's response to PC gamers is that they intend to stand by their IW-Net." I already commented the earlier in the day on the G4 site that I thought they were avoiding discussion of this issue because they have big Modern Warfare 2 hype shows planned and don't want to rain on the parade. I believe X-play intends on having a "Modern Warfare Week" next week, so it's not really in their interest to generate negative publicity and have a bunch of people say "To hell with MW2."


Infinity Ward is apparently getting desperate with all the threads on their forums. This is from a post made this morning on the G4 TV forums:


I find it funny that now you can't register on Infinity Wards webpage to post on their forums... no matter what email you put in there to register it says it's already registered... and when you try to recover your password using one of those "already registered emails" it does nothing...


G4 TV Forum

Edited by AKA BANDIT

A simple google for MW2 will bring up any threads on properly stated forums. Hype will only go so far, and thus far, google is winning ;)


Keep the momentum going, for the pc-battle.





A simple google for MW2 will bring up any threads on properly stated forums. Hype will only go so far, and thus far, google is winning ;)


Keep the momentum going, for the pc-battle.






I think the word is spreading, I was in a game last night and 2 players on the [AR51] server said dedicated servers for MW2!!!


Those players that might not play too often will hear about it from gamers during play I think, hopefully that'll spark a little curiosity and they'll go and see what the fuss is about.

Posted (edited)

i have to agree with MaydaX on this one....the more servers that go up for COD4 and COD:WaW the they will realized how popular those are and it is because on dedicated servers and punkbuster

Edited by GrimReaper90

Most of our clan is already considering buying BF:BC2

im buying it for sure now. :)


I have read the page(s) here and on other sites.


I am pissed off that they are doing this. But one thing you can be sure of, is they had plans to do this when they made the MP part of the game awhile back. They only released the news now close to the release date. They seen the pre-order numbers and thought $$$$$$$$$$ and thought no one would do anything but suck it up. The best way is to cancel pre-orders as many of us have.


But it looks like they are going all consule. I have a clan mate and she has seen COD on consule. The cheaters are everywhere, they are flying and everything else. But as a few have said here already alot of money in consule games.


Will they change? I hope so but I really think they are not going to.


My question is: Why are the server companys not stepping up? They are looking to lose alot of money, as I am sure that they have made room on their servers for hosting CODMW2. They are now losing money from pre-orderd servers beening cancelled? Plus future servers been rented. Are the server companys not voicing any thoughts on this? Just wondering.


What a way to kill your best series :angry:


Looks like time to find a new game to move to and get a server in. :-(

i have to agree with MaydaX on this one....the more servers that go up for COD4 and COD:WaW the they will realized how popular those are and it is because on dedicated servers and punkbuster



I am for this idea as well. I think speaking with our filling CoD4 and WaW servers will say far more than not gaming at all will. If we don't game online, they'll think we're just playing the single-player version to get through it and get used to the new game.


PC-Gamers UNITE!


Saw the blurb about 402's blog having comments disabled. I guess he can't take the heat with all the backlash he's getting.


Not too sure about that idea of shutting down CoD servers just to make a stand. I doubt that'll work as I play just to play. If I can't play, then that leaves me with little else to do. So I'd rather back the idea of playing on CoDWaW (or CoD4, whichever is your cup of tea) than shutting down servers. I have contemplated on adding in a timed message mentioning of boycotting MW2. But I'm trying to gather opinions from my clanmates.


I also saw the pre-order page up for MW2 on Steam. Still not all that interesting. It's nice they are implementing cloud support in the game. But it's still going to be junk for MP.


Playlist? I don't need no stinkin' playlist. There's a reason why BF2 have 24/7 Karkand and other maps. There's a reason why some people put up a 8-player Shipment/Dome server. Sometimes certain maps are so good and so balanced that it's worth playing more than once. I'd rather dictate how the maps are ordered and how the rules are set up. But oh well. No need to point out the obvious.

Steam pre-orders are now aval for a price of $59 US, Australia and New Zealand = $89.99 US






Gotta love the dewscriptions




RPG game for console kids, shame really. Makes sense I guess since it's the same parent company that brings us World of Sausage err Warcraft



Oh the response is funny for the $89 price






pmsl :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted (edited)

VAC is short for "VACation from proactive anti-cheat". Steam as a distribution vehicle is quite brilliant. Dedicated servers give games longevity in the market place. This is simply a bad idea.



Edited by Gronk161

i have played games that use the VAC system and well it just flat out sucks....it does not have the checks and detections that PB has or an update system like PB...i think if im not wrong if so correct me but VAC only updates about every 6 to 12 months....


Not sure if anyone watches this here but it's something I usually watch each week and MW2 and the lack of dedicated servers and mod tools got a small, very small mention this week as did the petition, don't think it will change many peoples opinions but a small mention is better than nothing I guess, skip to around 4.20 to see the clip:



Doesn't really matter how many didn't notice but more about those that do. I really don't care how many copies they eventually sell. I didn't and wont spend MY money unless some serious changes are made. Each person has to determine for themselves what matters and what doesn't. It seems obvious enough that they pissed of a significant amount of people. Lets see how many actually have a back bone and not a wishbone....


Nice spray job Bandit. ;)


I myself have changed my server and ingame name to Boycott MW2 (obviously the server title is still in there too). Apparently I am not the only server owner to go down this road, so the word is definitely out amongst the community about what exactly IW have done to us. B)




pffff, media blackout. PC gamers aren't going to care about this anyway, now that they (IW) are dead set on not using a dedicated server approach.


There's even a games list on 402's blog site and, not too surprisingly, the majority that's listed are 360 games. I guess that's more proof that he's so disconnected from the PC realm that he isn't qualified to know how the PC gamers feel about this entire mess.


Meanwhile, I spotted this post, which talks about dedicated server amongst other things (which I am sure most of us would be happy to hear).


And then there's this ActionTrip Comic: Swift Punishment

Meanwhile, I spotted this post, which talks about dedicated server amongst other things (which I am sure most of us would be happy to hear).


That post on the EA forums is like a breath of fresh air. That dude should be working at IW.


As for the media blackout bullshit, I just lol'd :lol:


Sounds bad no dedicated servers.

But i also hate that the single player mission are get shorter and shorter, some games you can finnish in 8 hours.


And i think you guys make a calculation failer.

A game publisher don't make $60,- or

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