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[COD MW2] No dedicated servers or PB

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Petition or no petition, nothing is going to change. Bring on BF:BC2!



x2, except I will still have $60.00 in my pocket... :rolleyes:


Petition signed and posted on my squads forums.


And as soon as I finish up catching up on posts here I am off to cancel my preorder.


Way to kill off a fine series IW. :banghead:


Bob, nice post on 402s site.. that hits the nail on the head.


Egads I was lucky to find his comment on there when I zip all the way towards the last few pages.


My comment: http://www.fourzerotwo.com/?p=745#IDComment39590025

RodeoBob's comment: http://www.fourzerotwo.com/?p=745#IDComment39615976


If you recognize anyone else in that pile, post up their perma-link here! (the perma-link is their "X mins/hours ago" text)


I also spotted this blurb: http://twitter.com/IW_hyphen/status/5031626712

To which I have said: http://twitter.com/g1sixshot/status/5035202489

Match-making for people of similar or same skill level? Let me tell you something. Such thing will NEVER work. It will NEVER work no matter how hard you try to make the system work. I have seen people who are just plain good and I have seen people who are just on fire that round. I have seen people who just can't get a break. I've seen them all. Yet you expect shitty people to get dropped into a room/game full of shittier people? That is no way to improve a player's skill. New players should learn, based on their own experience, in any type of environment.


+1 Sixshot


The concept of having dedicated servers allows these groups the ability to HAVE FUN and run the game the way they choose.....and not have their hands tied and depend upon some IWnet concept to play their game.


You folks have made a drastic and I hope like hell.....a VERY COSTLY mistake! Maybe for once, you folks can open your eyes, put away your console controllers, and read/understand the concerns of the "PC Gamers"!!!!!!


+1 RB


I do hope that this is not a changing of the tide, so to speak, as I said earlier I'm sure a lot of developers are watching this very closely, possibly thinking, "hey IW can do it, why not us?"


Check out EA's response for BF:BC2




Battlefield was born on the PC, it grew up with dedicated servers and even when it left the nest and became multiplatform it remembers it's roots. We're doing the PC version of BC2 right. We won't stomach a console port tossed off to some "lesser" studio like our competitors chose to do. We've got our top PC devs working on the PC version side by side with the console team. We don't do ports. It's not the game we'd want to play, and we know it's not the game you want to play either.
Posted (edited)

Tom's Hardware covering the story with link to IW forum thread--> story


Good to see everywhere there's comments everybody is PISSED!


Is anybody else having a problem seeing the petition now? I go to the signature page and get a "internal server error (500)."

Edited by AKA BANDIT

FourZeroTwo initially linked to this on his twitter as IW's "Official Response". This tweet was soon pulled, however they obviously forgot to remove it from the IW page





The console trolls are starting to get a rise out of me on some sites. I honestly don't care about the whole "console/pc" rivalry thing that this situation seems to be bringing up - all I want is a decent game for my chosen platform. So, why, even on large sites, are there people just basically trolling the shit out of PC Gamers? I just find it completely unnecessary.


At this point in time, I have no expectations that Infinity Ward will change their mind about this decision. They are so focused on creating this truly 'epic' new multiplayer experience, that they are willing to sacrifice millions of dollars in revenue from cancelled pre-orders in the short term.


Their long term plan hinges on getting PC users to accept this new model asap. Once this is done, they will have complete control over content and prices on the PC as they already do in the console segment. Of course then, they can slowly jack up the prices for new games and DLC, and claw back the money they lost in the short term.


I love the PC gaming community, but these 'people' are trying to destroy it.. all in the name of $$'s. Quite frankly, what they are trying to do, sickens me.


Infinity Ward have created the biggest shitstorm in PC gaming history. Their name will forever be tarnished.



I will also not be purchasing the XBox360 version either.


The mistake that IW has made should be felt all around....and not just on the PC side of the house ;)


Respect to you Bob :)

jockyitch Hmmm.... ok. http://bit.ly/CppBt #MW2about 8 hours ago from web

The link in question leads to a comment purportedly from IW Hyphen. Hyphen's claim via twitter indicates that it's not him. So make sure you disregard that. Although... whether or not it is him, I would not be surprised one bit by it. After all, he made that "grow up" tweet as well.

The link in question leads to a comment purportedly from IW Hyphen. Hyphen's claim via twitter indicates that it's not him. So make sure you disregard that. Although... whether or not it is him, I would not be surprised one bit by it. After all, he made that "grow up" tweet as well.


That actually made me seriously angry in RL.


Aside from the slap in the face that IW delivered with all of this, I'd love to be able to smack the idiocy out of the consolers who keep replying with comments about "growing up". I think the PC crowd, by and large, are the grownups, really. We're the ones who shell out the bigger dollar to build gaming rigs, and upgrade for a new game, etc. Unlike the console fan-boys who's mommy bought them an xbox. The console-crowd will just never get it, until they perhaps get to see what they've been missing with regards to custom maps and mods in online gaming. Not only that, but they miss out on the gaming experience as a whole because of the matchmaking system.


My clan spans from the UK to North America, not two blocks down the street from me. I intend to play with the same people I've been fragging with since 2002 across several games. As a result, MW2 is just not an option. I've posted similar on IW's forums as well as other forums. Maybe eventually IW will get it, but I doubt it.



I can only imagine what the experience will be like for those people who live in a small town, one that isn't located close to a big city. Are they gonna be matched up with the other 7 people in town who bothered to buy the game?




Maybe we are throwing our toys out of the pram somewhat, and maybe some PC players do need to grow up (having seen the quality of some posts on forums other than this one...), but the fact is that IW are tearing down a massive worldwide community that we built for ourselves.


Imagine if a games company decided that XBL is a waste of time on the 360 and only allowed play on dedicated servers that they hosted and controlled. I can imagine the fury now, especially if it was a game as hotly anticipated as MW2.

Aside from the slap in the face that IW delivered with all of this, I'd love to be able to smack the idiocy out of the consolers who keep replying with comments about "growing up". I think the PC crowd, by and large, are the grownups, really. We're the ones who shell out the bigger dollar to build gaming rigs, and upgrade for a new game, etc. Unlike the console fan-boys who's mommy bought them an xbox. The console-crowd will just never get it, until they perhaps get to see what they've been missing with regards to custom maps and mods in online gaming. Not only that, but they miss out on the gaming experience as a whole because of the matchmaking system.


Well said.

The link in question leads to a comment purportedly from IW Hyphen. Hyphen's claim via twitter indicates that it's not him. So make sure you disregard that. Although... whether or not it is him, I would not be surprised one bit by it. After all, he made that "grow up" tweet as well.


He actually came on IW forums and admitted it was him.

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